2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案(9)
本站小编 老烤鸭/2019-06-02
I felt so grateful that I was able to tackle this problem with the help of the Internet. I would definitely seek help from this website if I had more questions in the future.
Part 3 追加问题
What impacts does the internet have on schools?
Do you think many people waste their time online?
What do people do online in their free time?
What can people do with the internet in the future? And how?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner 描述邀请聚餐/邀请家人或朋友吃饭的一次情景
Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner
You should say:
when you invited them
where you had the dinner (at home or at the restaurant)
why you invited them
And how you felt about this dinner
Well, an occasion when I invited my friends to have dinner was actually on my 18th birthday.
I remember that was a graduation season of my senior high school life. My family invited nearly all close relatives, friends and of course my classmates to have dinner on that day.
Initially, we planned to cook for them at home. But, as the number of guests was getting larger, we felt it was a bit difficult to hold all of them in our small apartment, not to mention the heavy work of cooking. So, this article is from Laokaoya website, we chose a three-star restaurant, which was not that luxurious but very decent in our town, to treat them. You know, everybody was having a blast there.
Well, the reason why my parents and I invited them was that we wanted them to share the joyfulness of both my birthday and acceptance to an ideal university. You know, after that summer, I would officially become an adult who was able to study in college!
I felt truly grateful for my parents who helped me organize this big dinner, and also felt thankful that my friends could come to celebrate this dinner event.
Part 3 追加问题
Where do Chinese people usually eat?
At restaurant or home?
Do you think that it is possible that everyone would eat at the restaurant instead of home in the future?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?
Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an experience that you received a call from someone you don’t know in the public place 描述在公共场合接到陌生人的电话/不认识的人的电话
接陌生人电话的经历想必每一位雅思烤鸭都经历过。最常见的陌生人电话就是广告骚扰电话了。一般这种电话打进来都是因为自己曾经注册过一些中介机构或者一些公司的账号,自己的电话被泄露或者专卖给了他人。另外,还有一少部分陌生人电话的确是拨错了号码的stranger们。不过,小编要提醒大家的是,这道题里面还有一个关键词:public place(公共场合),也就是说不是在家里头接到的,而是在诸如学校、地铁站还有公园之类的地方。把握好这几点,你就不太可能跑偏题了。
Describe an experience that you received a call from someone you don’t know in the public place
You should say:
when you received the call
where you received the call
what you were doing at that time
how you felt about this call
I had many times like this, but an impressive experience that I got a call from a stranger in the public place was about an advertisement.
It was on a summer day of my senior high school. I remember I got this phone call right after I finished my physics class. I was on my way to the washroom and my phone was vibrating, you know we were not supposed to have a phone at school, so I just turned it into a mute mode.
I didn’t want my teachers to know that I got a phone with me, so I walked into a ‘safe’ place, which was a stinky toilet cube, to pick up the call. You know what, I completely had no clue about what the man on the other side was talking, this article is from Laokaoya website, and he didn’t seem to listen to my request for clarification, but just kept talking. It took me like three minutes to know that he was actually selling a kind of medicine for students.
You know I was pretty impatient at that time. The reason why I was acting like that was that he, at least as a professional ad promoter, should tell me the basic information about who he was, instead of being so aggressive in selling his product. Also, I was unhappy about the fact that my personal contact was disclosed to the strangers.
Part 3 追加问题
Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?
Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?
Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?
Why do some people always break rules in public places?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a time you heard a stranger talking on the phone in the public place 描述一次听到陌生人在公共场合打电话的经历/陌生人的电话
这道题为什么老烤鸭雅思小编会在本期文章中解析给大家的原因是因为在雅思口语题季开头第一周有雅思考生被问到了Describe an experience that you received a call from someone you don’t know in the public place;但是后来相继又有考生考到了陌生人打电话的题目。于是,老烤鸭雅思小编就针对这个陌生人的电话姊妹篇为大家做个详细的解析以及原创范文供大家参考学习。这里和之前那篇接电话的不同之处在于这里的听到了别人打电话,也就是说你是以一个‘吃瓜群众’的身份在公众场合打电话。这样的例子也非常多,比去CBD某个市中心的商场内购物或者吃饭甚至看电影的时候都很有可能遇到不认识的人在打电话。当然,这个情况可以是负面的糟糕的,比方说影响到了周围的人;也可以是积极的,有礼貌的,比方说照顾到了他人等等。
Describe a time you heard a stranger talking on the phone in the public place
You should say:
Where you were
When it was
What the stranger was talking about
And explain how you felt about it
I would like to talk about a lady that my best friend and I saw and heard talking on the phone last month.
If my memory was correct, we saw this lady in the Wanda Movie Theater of our city while we were watching the Avengers, which was quite a hit in China at that time. She was in red with some shopping bags in her hands and looked like a middle-aged woman. The first moment I saw her was at the entrance of the auditorium. You know her bags were so big, which immediately caught my attention.
Well, that first impression didn’t give me some unpleasant feeling as it’s pretty understandable watching a movie after shopping in this central business district. But, it was during the movie time that her behavior annoyed me a lot. This article is from Laokaoya website. There was more than one call she picked up during our watching time. I honestly sometimes didn’t mind someone talking on the phone as it might be something urgent as long as he or she could talk in a low voice. The thing was that she used her high-pitch voice crazily yelling at a person on the other side of the phone as if there’s only her in this public place. I couldn’t remember what she was talking about, but it seemed that she was very angry and edgy, and her voice can be heard literally by all the movie viewers.
I was pissed off at that time. You know, she just ruined my favorite movie! I was a calm person but at that moment, I mustered up my courage to give her a verbal warning. You know she just didn’t give a shit and continued talking her own business. That’s a pretty horrible movie experience for me.
Part 3 追加问题
What do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?
Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?
Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?
Why do some people always break rules in public places?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an unusual experience of traveling 描述一次不同寻常的旅游经历
这里的unusual可以翻译为‘不同寻常’或者‘不常见的’。要求虽然如此,考生们不必绞尽脑汁思考自己有限的人生经历中是否存在这么一次非同寻常的旅游经历。因为经历的寻常与否比较主观,可以找一段你认为十分有意义的旅游即可。重点在于你的traveling experience (旅游经历)。可以是国外的旅游也可以是境内旅游,这里没有地域的限制。
Describe an unusual experience of traveling
You should say:
Where you went
When you went there
Who you were with
What you did there
And explain why it is unusual
Well, I would like to talk about an unusual traveling experience in Thailand.
It was during the second summer of my college when I traveled to Thailand with my classmates for the first time. I went to quite a few tourist spots such as the Grand Palace in Bangkok and the beautiful beach in Phuket Island. But, the most impressive one to me, to some extent, was a history museum.
I can’t remember the exact location of this museum, but I am sure that it’s somewhere between Bangkok and Phuket because our tour bus had a stop there for this visit. The museum exhibited some real-life situations of those suffering residents in the Golden Triangle area, which was an area consisting of part of Laos, Thailand, and Burma, and was considered the most dangerous place in that region as there were lots of illegal trades of poppies for making the drug opium. This article is from Laokaoya website. The museum disclosed some of the hidden and forgotten period of history that was correlated to both China and Thailand. We learned a lot from the relics and even the residents from the tribes in that area.
Those people were in a very embarrassing situation as neither Thailand nor China has granted citizenship to them, and they are now still living under the poverty line. I donated some money to them, not so much though, hoping their lives could get better.
The reason why I think this experience of traveling is unusual is that it is quite educational. Although we are striving for our goals in lives and want more dreams to come true, we should feel thankful, as those poor people that we seem to ignore, because of different reasons, are far inferior in terms of living quality. You know, we should feel grateful and cherish what we’ve already had.
Part 3 追加问题
What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?
Why do many people like to travel abroad?
What do people usually do during long holidays?
Do you think there will be more eco-tourism in the future?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information 描述一次你获得错误信息的情况
Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information
You should say:
Why you got it
When you got it
How you got it
How you found it was incorrect
And how you felt about it
Well, an occasion when I got incorrect information was during the graduation season of my senior high school. It was a piece of information regarding detailed ananlysis of different majors in the university.
That occasion was right after I took the Gaokao, which was the college entrance examination in China. At that time, we were supposed to apply for a specifc major we wanted to study before we were officially matriculated into the univesity.
The only main resource of guidance was a booklet that contained lists of majors from different universities. This booklet was given by our teachers after we took and exam. This article is from Laokaoya website. They let us take it home and have a dicussion with our parents for the final decision. I didn’t take issue with the opinions it had because it was printed out by the provincial educational authority and was reccommended by our school.
I didn’t find anything wrong with it until one day when I flipped it over and saw a page that reccommend senior high school graduates to apply for a major of a first-tier university with only third-tier Gaokao scores, which was kind of weird for me as I knew that Gaokao was the most fair exam in China even in the world. How could it be possible to get into this prestigious university witout a high score? Then, I realized that it was actually a fake guidance page which was actually an advertisement that was designed in a way quite similiar to the previous content page.
今天小编要介绍的是马来西亚大学的一所高等学府-马来亚大学,英文名为:University of Malaya;也通常简称为马大或者UM。马来亚大学创立与1905年,它是马来西亚整个国家内的二十所高等院校之一,也是在马来西亚创建时间最早,历史最古老的大学。UM坐落于马来西亚的首都吉隆坡,目前在校生人数约有两万名(其中 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-06-022019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案
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阿德莱德大学(University of Adelaide)是澳洲八大高校之一,也是澳洲最古老的大学之一,有将近一百三十多年的历史,看过官方给的阿德莱德大学雅思要求情况的童鞋应该了解过对单项和总分都有规定。那么有什么方式可以在没有满足官方正式入学雅思要求的情况下入读阿德莱德大学呢?今天,小编就带大家一起了解一下阿德莱德大 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06Texas A&M University德州农工大学雅思要求
今天小编要介绍的是一所美国高等院校-德州农工大学,中文全称-德克萨斯州农工大学,英文为Texas AM University简称TAMU。德州农工大学成立于187年,是美国的一所公立研究型大学,也是美国的顶尖工程大学之一,更是德克萨斯州历史最悠久(第一所)高等学府。该校为美国六所高级军事大学之一。目前在校人数将近六万名,男女比 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思申请罗切斯特大学
今天我们要来介绍的是美国的一所高等院校-罗切斯特大学,英文名为University of Rochester。缩写为UR. 罗切斯特大学创建以1850年,是美国的一所私立无宗教派别的研究型高等学府。它坐落于美国纽约州的罗切斯特市。罗切斯特大学目前在校员工大约有一千三百多名,本科大约五千七百多名,研究生人数大约四千六百多位。 罗切 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06科罗拉多大学波尔得分校雅思分数申请要求
今天要介绍的是一所综合排名世界前两百的(2018年QS世界排名)美国高等学府-科罗拉多大学波尔得分校,英文名为University of Colorado Boulder,简称为CU-Boulder。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校创建于1876年,是美国的一所公立高等学府。科罗拉多大学波尔得分校在美国新闻世界报道中评为全美国最佳公立院校之一。该校目前在校学生 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思考试时感冒了能带纸巾进考场吗?
这个问题也有若干只雅思烤鸭们曾经问过了,由于感冒严重,打喷嚏流鼻涕,雅思考试带纸巾(餐巾纸、卫生纸、手帕等等)进入考场可以吗?监考老师会不允许吗? 在官方雅思考试考生须知里面好像也并没有说明带纸巾这回事。 经过多次考试的老烤鸭会比较了解这些情况。那么,那么到底可否呢? 答案是可以的! 但是,有 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思考试能带星巴克咖啡进考场喝吗?
这是小编史上听到最新鲜的一个关于雅思的问题。想必这位烤鸭一定是一位星迷或者咖啡爱好者。据小编的经历,还真没看见过有人端着一杯星巴克走近考场的==; 也许大家都太紧张了,一大早起来没想着去派对买咖啡。 不过,如果真是像这位烤鸭一样,急需一杯咖啡来提神怎么破?咖啡能带进考试的教室吗?莫慌,其实在官方雅思考 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思托福分数换算 雅思和托福哪个更简单
关于雅思考试和托福考试到底哪个简单哪个更难的争论已经进行了好多年。一般来看,只考过托福的同学通常认为托福更难;只考过雅思的同学则通常认为雅思更难。出现这种情况也可以理解,毕竟大家都希望突出自己在备考过程中所付出的努力,不过日前,托福官方统计了1153名既考过雅思也考过托福的同学的成绩,并制作出雅思托福分 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思听力机经是什么
不少同学在备考听力的过程中都会听到雅思听力机经一词。有时候是雅思听力机经词汇,有时候是雅思听力机经预测,还有时候是雅思听力机经答案。那么雅思听力机经到底是什么东西?它为什么出现频率这么高呢? 所谓雅思听力机经,其实就是过去考过的雅思听力考试题目以及答案的集 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-062019年1月5日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
今天是2019年的第一场考试,也是口语换题之后的第一场考试。希望参加这次考试的勇士们都能够取得令自己满意的成绩,顺利和雅思分手。具体来看,2019年的听力题型没有太大变化。第二部分仍然是选择+匹配的组合,第四部分也仍然是填空。写作部分的小作文考了柱状图,大作文是与运动相关的题目,都算比较正常。老烤鸭小编在第一 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06美国佛罗里达大学雅思要求University of Florida详解
今天小编要介绍的美国高校是-佛罗里达大学,英文名为University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida。佛罗里达大学建立于公元1853年,是美国一所公立大学,也是美国的六十二所研究型大学之一。佛罗里达大学目前在校本科生大约有四万人(学生数量全美国第二),研究生大约有一万七千人,在校老师约为五千三百多名。佛罗 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06墨尔本大学语言班要求 雅思多少分?
之前老烤鸭小编已经介绍过了墨尔本大学雅思要求,但是,如果实在达不到该校的入学雅思要求肿么办?自己千辛万苦申请上的conditional offer就业让让他白白跑掉了吗? 别急,本期我们就来解析一下墨尔本大学语言班要求,看看童鞋们能否在足够的时间内达到语言班要求,让自己能顺利入学。 墨尔本大学与Hawthorn-Melbourne合作 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01屯特大学雅思要求多少分数?
今天小编要介绍到的是位于荷兰的屯特大学,也被音译为特文特大学,荷兰语:Universiteit Twente,英文叫:University of Twente。屯特大学创建于1961年,位于荷兰恩斯赫德这个东区最大的城市,它是荷兰所有U类大学中最年轻的一所高等院校,也被公认为荷兰顶尖的高校之一。 屯特大学目前有五个学院;分别为行为科学学院; ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01零基础学雅思需要多长时间
之前一篇文章我们聊了下零基础学雅思难吗,今天我们来看看零基础学雅思需要多长时间。这里所谓的零基础并不是真的完全没有接触过英语,26个字母都认不全。而是指那些对英语有一定概念,但因为各种原因,在初中或者高中就放弃了英语学习;又或者之前虽然英语还行,但毕业之后就再没碰过,导致词汇量极少,语法知识几乎没有或 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01