2019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案(4)
本站小编 老烤鸭/2019-06-02
Describe a park/garden you like visiting
You should say:
Where the park is
When you visit it
What the park is like
And explain why you like visiting it
A garden I like visiting is the Christchurch Botanic Gardens which is located in Christchurch, New Zealand.
一个我喜欢参观的花园叫Christchurch Botanic Gardens,它位于新西兰的基督城。
I visited this garden while I was taking a summer vacation in 2014 with my friends. This garden is probably the most beautiful and pure garden that I have ever seen in my entire life. It is large but very well-structured.
Once you are in this garden, you feel like you are in a Jurassic Park. I mean, the plants there are quite uncommon compared to the ones that I have seen back in China. This article is from Laokaoya website. The trees are tall and look like they are those in the Cretaceous period. The only pity is that there are no dinosaurs in the garden. You know it would be a perfect scene of that period if they had some, but maybe I’m just demanding too much.
I remember there was a small stream that gave me the deepest impression. The water was crystal clear and tasted sweet. It’s way better than the bottled Nongfu Spring water in my home country.
The reason why I love visiting there is that it brings inner peace to me. You know the serene and unpolluted natural environment there enable me to calm down and contemplate for the meaning of life. I’m truly grateful that I have got his chance to visit this garden, and I definitely wish I could go there again.
其实,老烤鸭雅思小编之前也写过一篇本雅思话题卡相似度极其高的part2题卡,建议大家可以前往学习→:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园
Part 3 追加问题
What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?
Should people help clean public gardens?
Do young people go to the park very often?
Why do some people plant flowers at home?
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a historical building you have been to 描述你去过的历史建筑
Describe a historical building you have been to
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for now
What you learned there
And how you felt about this historical building
A historical building I have visited is Notre-Dame, which is located in Paris, France.
I paid a visit there with my family members while we were touring around Europe during the summer of 2016 as it has been regarded as one of the must-see places in France.
Honestly, I didn’t take it seriously before going there because I knew nothing except for the little information from the book THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME and its adapted movie. But, when I was there, I was stunned by this grand Catholic cathedral.
As it was in a bay area, it’s height made it quite an eye-catcher. What I’ve learned the most was about the cultural perspectives. There were so many religious elements that I had never heard about. For instance, this article is from Laokaoya website, some sculptures depicted some scenes of the last judgment from the Holy Bible such as weighing the souls, which was so interesting. You know, I didn’t get much exposure to Christianity, but there’s indeed something equivalent like Yanwangye (King of Hell), who was also regarded as a power to weigh the good and evil. Also, the interior design of it was breathtaking, so many beautiful mosaics about those sacred stories.
Well, I felt this historical building was so meaningful to me as it gave me a brand new perspective of the world. You know, I also feel so sorry for the recent catastrophic fire that engulfed the upper reaches of this precious building of human civilization. I hope the renovation could carry on and finish smoothly.
Part 3 追加问题
Do most people agree to the government’s funding to protect historical buildings?
Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?
Why do people visit historical buildings?
Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe something you do to help you study or work 描述对学习或工作有帮助的事情
这道话题卡算是曾经考过的Describe something that can help you concentrate on work这道口语题的变种,之前那道题可以说一些物品,比如指尖陀螺之类的小玩意,而这篇口语话题卡要求的是一件事,比如有的人喜欢工作学习前打个篮球来提神,有的喜欢喝咖啡,还有的喜欢听音乐等等,这能都算作帮你提升学习或者工作效率的事情。还比如说,一个人学习有时候可能会犯困,那么和两三个同学一起讨论学习(group work)就会减少困意提高学习的动力,类似这种方式也算作对有帮助。
Describe something you do to help you study or work
You should say:
What it is
How are you learn it
When you do it
And how do you feel about the method
Something I do to help me study or work is actually listening to the piano soundtrack.
I got to know a music APP named Spotify from my friends and downloaded it from the Internet. I was told by my friend that it was the best music APP, better than APPLE MUSIC. It allows you to stream everything you subscribe and it’s got very high-quality sound.
Well, I often use this APP to listen to some piano soundtrack while I was working or studying too long, like three hours or more. But, I didn’t use it quite much during the daytime, when everybody was rushing their own business, this article is from Laokaoya website, and I would be influenced by the vibe. Usually, I would listen to it during the night time, when I need some light music to maintain focus after a tiring day.
So far, I’ve found this method has been pretty effective to help me to loosen up or to concentrate on my own stuff. Sometimes I need a little bit sound in silence to help me keep focused, and sometimes I need piano music in a noisy environment so that I won’t be easily distracted. So, I will definitely keep using this way to improve my life quality in the future.
Part 3 追加问题
What’s the routine of people in your country?
What are the routine activities that old people and young people in your country do?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 描述一个你知道的健康生活方式
Describe a healthy lifestyle you know
You should say:
How you know it
What it is
What one would do living in this lifestyle
And explain why it is healthy
The healthy lifestyle I am going to tell you is early to bed and early to rise. I do not remember when and where I first heard about this saying. But my parents keep repeating it recently and hope I can follow their advice. They believe staying up late has a negative impact on health and can cause various disease.
According to my parents, one had better go to bed before 11 o’clock in the evening and get up at about 7 o’clock in the morning. Even if you cannot fall asleep immediately, this article is from laokaoya website, closing your eyes and lying on the bed is better than doing other things. This is in chord with a person’s internal clock, and thus good for health.
To do this, a person needs to be highly organized. In the evening, he must resist the lure of smartphone, games, and TV series. When the time comes, he is able to put them aside at once and empty his mind. In the morning, he needs to have the courage to say goodbye to the warm bed and welcome the chilly morning.
But this lifestyle does have many benefits. I used to insist it for two months. I felt my memory got better, mind got sharper and sleep got sounder. Diseases like cold had stayed away.
Part 3 追加问题
How should schools teach students to live healthily?
What can doctors do to help people solve health-related problems?
What kinds of lifestyle are unhealthy?
What do people in your country do to maintain health?
雅思口语Part 2话题卡:Describe a historical period that you are interested in 感兴趣的历史时期
作为一个拥有上下五千年历史的国度,中国为我们提供太多可供描述的内容。我们可以说春秋战国时期的诸侯争霸,秦亡了之后的楚汉相争,位面之子光武帝刘秀的逆袭,留下无数故事的魏蜀吴,我们也可以说混乱残酷的五代十国,空前强大的唐,经济繁荣的宋,领土广阔的元,不和亲、不纳供、天子守国门、君臣死社稷的明,和后期风雨飘零的清。当然我们也可以说鸦片战争,洋务运动,可以说抗日战争,可以说新中国的成立,可以说改革开放,可以说中国繁荣富强的道路。我们也可以将视线放到国外,聊聊英国的大宪章,法国的大革命,意大利的文艺复兴,俄国的彼得大帝,美国的罗斯福新政,日本的战国时代(小编知道的多吧 :lol: )。为了展示自己的知识积累,老烤鸭小编决定写一篇关于轴心的答案,吓死大家。
Describe a historical period that you are interested in
You should say:
What the historical period is
How you know it
What happened during that period
why you find it interesting
The historical period I am going to talk about is the core era. It is a concept came up by Karl Jaspers, a German philosopher, in his book, ‘the Origin and Goal of History;. It refers to the period from 600 A.D. to 300 A.D.
The first time I heard this phrase was in the history of western philosophy, a course in my senior year. After reading some reference materials, I found this era was amazing. Almost at the same time, great men were born in the four isolated great ancient civilizations. China had Confucius. India had Sakyamuni. Greece had Socrates. And Egypt had prophets. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. The theories put forward by these men dramatically changed the way people perceived the world, affected the development of philosophies in the following 2000 years, and laid the foundation of different characteristics of those countries. There is a saying that all the theories and ideas generated after the core era are making annotations for those sages’ thoughts.
The fascinating point about the core era is that these countries did not have much communication then, but almost simultaneously produce their national philosophies. How did they achieve that? Did they somehow secretly reach an agreement?
查看该话题之后的Part 3部分,请点击雅思口语话题Part 3:历史时期
雅思口语part2话题卡: Describe something lost by others but found by you描述别人遗失的物品/被你你捡到的物品
Describe something lost by others but found by you
You should say:
Who it belonged to
When it was lost
How the person lost it
How you found it
And explain how are you felt about it
Something lost by others but found by me was a Prada wallet, which contains lots of cash and some documents.
I still remember it was on a winter day last year, my friends and I were at the Yunqiao Sports Center, which was a nice place for ice skating. We bought the tickets through Alipay, which was mobile application and was given a code for a locker to store our personal belongs. Mine was like number seven, and when I got to the storage compartment and unlocked it, there was a white plastic bag there. When I was complaining the last customer for discarding this garbage bag inside the locker and dragging it out, I soon found that there’s a wallet in the bag, and it’s the Prada brand.
I thought it would be a trouble for me if this luxury stayed with me any longer. So, I opened it and tried to find the contact number of the owner. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, it only contained lots of cash and ID stuff. In order to let the owner know he lost his wallet, I immediately took it to the reception and asked them to keep it. I don’t know what’s happened, but I hope the owner had found it at that center.
I felt my decision was right because that’s the only effective way to let the owner know where it was and nobody would steal it, even though my friends told me that it’s possible the receptionist would conceal the truth about the lost. But, let’s optimistic. Not all people are supposed to be that bad, right?
今天小编要介绍的是马来西亚大学的一所高等学府-马来亚大学,英文名为:University of Malaya;也通常简称为马大或者UM。马来亚大学创立与1905年,它是马来西亚整个国家内的二十所高等院校之一,也是在马来西亚创建时间最早,历史最古老的大学。UM坐落于马来西亚的首都吉隆坡,目前在校生人数约有两万名(其中 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-06-022019年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案
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这个问题也有若干只雅思烤鸭们曾经问过了,由于感冒严重,打喷嚏流鼻涕,雅思考试带纸巾(餐巾纸、卫生纸、手帕等等)进入考场可以吗?监考老师会不允许吗? 在官方雅思考试考生须知里面好像也并没有说明带纸巾这回事。 经过多次考试的老烤鸭会比较了解这些情况。那么,那么到底可否呢? 答案是可以的! 但是,有 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思考试能带星巴克咖啡进考场喝吗?
这是小编史上听到最新鲜的一个关于雅思的问题。想必这位烤鸭一定是一位星迷或者咖啡爱好者。据小编的经历,还真没看见过有人端着一杯星巴克走近考场的==; 也许大家都太紧张了,一大早起来没想着去派对买咖啡。 不过,如果真是像这位烤鸭一样,急需一杯咖啡来提神怎么破?咖啡能带进考试的教室吗?莫慌,其实在官方雅思考 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思托福分数换算 雅思和托福哪个更简单
关于雅思考试和托福考试到底哪个简单哪个更难的争论已经进行了好多年。一般来看,只考过托福的同学通常认为托福更难;只考过雅思的同学则通常认为雅思更难。出现这种情况也可以理解,毕竟大家都希望突出自己在备考过程中所付出的努力,不过日前,托福官方统计了1153名既考过雅思也考过托福的同学的成绩,并制作出雅思托福分 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06雅思听力机经是什么
不少同学在备考听力的过程中都会听到雅思听力机经一词。有时候是雅思听力机经词汇,有时候是雅思听力机经预测,还有时候是雅思听力机经答案。那么雅思听力机经到底是什么东西?它为什么出现频率这么高呢? 所谓雅思听力机经,其实就是过去考过的雅思听力考试题目以及答案的集 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-062019年1月5日雅思考试答案 大陆卷
今天是2019年的第一场考试,也是口语换题之后的第一场考试。希望参加这次考试的勇士们都能够取得令自己满意的成绩,顺利和雅思分手。具体来看,2019年的听力题型没有太大变化。第二部分仍然是选择+匹配的组合,第四部分也仍然是填空。写作部分的小作文考了柱状图,大作文是与运动相关的题目,都算比较正常。老烤鸭小编在第一 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06美国佛罗里达大学雅思要求University of Florida详解
今天小编要介绍的美国高校是-佛罗里达大学,英文名为University of Florida,简称UF,也称作UFL或Florida。佛罗里达大学建立于公元1853年,是美国一所公立大学,也是美国的六十二所研究型大学之一。佛罗里达大学目前在校本科生大约有四万人(学生数量全美国第二),研究生大约有一万七千人,在校老师约为五千三百多名。佛罗 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-06墨尔本大学语言班要求 雅思多少分?
之前老烤鸭小编已经介绍过了墨尔本大学雅思要求,但是,如果实在达不到该校的入学雅思要求肿么办?自己千辛万苦申请上的conditional offer就业让让他白白跑掉了吗? 别急,本期我们就来解析一下墨尔本大学语言班要求,看看童鞋们能否在足够的时间内达到语言班要求,让自己能顺利入学。 墨尔本大学与Hawthorn-Melbourne合作 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01屯特大学雅思要求多少分数?
今天小编要介绍到的是位于荷兰的屯特大学,也被音译为特文特大学,荷兰语:Universiteit Twente,英文叫:University of Twente。屯特大学创建于1961年,位于荷兰恩斯赫德这个东区最大的城市,它是荷兰所有U类大学中最年轻的一所高等院校,也被公认为荷兰顶尖的高校之一。 屯特大学目前有五个学院;分别为行为科学学院; ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01零基础学雅思需要多长时间
之前一篇文章我们聊了下零基础学雅思难吗,今天我们来看看零基础学雅思需要多长时间。这里所谓的零基础并不是真的完全没有接触过英语,26个字母都认不全。而是指那些对英语有一定概念,但因为各种原因,在初中或者高中就放弃了英语学习;又或者之前虽然英语还行,但毕业之后就再没碰过,导致词汇量极少,语法知识几乎没有或 ...雅思 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-01-01