2020考研英语高分写作 第3集(5)

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09

工业废弃物 industrial waste

综合利用 multipurpose use

水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone

污水处理 sewage treatment

再生水 recycled water

4 空气污染

空气污染浓度 air pollution concentration

汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust

尾气净化器 exhaust purifier

无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline

天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles

电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles

小排量汽车 small-engine vehicles

工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharge

烟尘排放 soot emissions

矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)



1 学位

学士 bachelor’s degree

硕士 master’s degree

博士 doctor’s degree

获得学位 acquire degree

文科 arts

理科 science

文学硕士 Master of Arts(MA)

理学硕士 Master of Science(MS)

工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration(MBA)

公共管理硕士 Master of Public Administration(MPA)

工程硕士 Master of Engineering(ME)

会计硕士 Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc)

金融硕士 Master of Science in Finance (MSF)

2 学校

幼儿园 nursery/kindergarten

小学 primary/elementary school

中学 middle school

综合性大学 university

学院 institute

高等教育 higher education

大学生 college/university students

大学毕业生 college/university graduates

商学院 business school

法学院 law school

研究生院 graduate school

教授 professor

全体教师 faculty

系 department

专业 major

教学设施 teaching facilities

食堂 dining hall

宿舍 dormitory

选修课 elective/optional course

学杂费 tuition fees and other expenses

3 教育

终身教育 life-long education

素质教育 education for all-round development

义务教育 compulsory education

应试教育 exam-oriented education

成人教育 adult education

理论知识 theoretical knowledge

实践技能 practical skills

信息时代 information era

知识爆炸时代 era of knowledge explosion

影响学习成绩 affect school achievements

逃课 skip classes

学习成绩 academic performance

学习氛围 academic atmosphere

开阔眼界 broaden one’s horizon

激发兴趣 stimulate one’s interest

开发潜能 tap one’s potential

(学生)减负 reduce study load

文理分科 separation between liberal arts and science

放松的大学生活 relaxing college life

4 招生就业

招生 recruitment

录取 enrollment

申请入学 apply for admission to/into...

高考 College Entrance Examination

考研 National Entrance Test for MA/MS Candidates

就业市场 job market

雇主 employer

雇员 employee

职业培训 vocational training


1 文化交流

文化交流 cultural exchanges

文化融合 cultural blending/integration

传统中国文化 traditional Chinese culture

儒家 Confucianism

佛家 Buddhism

道家 Daoism/Taoism

京剧 Peking Opera

中国书法 Chinese calligraphy

西方文化 western cultures

启蒙运动 Enlightenment

人本主义 humanism

后现代主义 post-modernism

多元文化 multi-cultures, pluralistic/mosaic cultures

文化多元化 cultural diversity

保存珍惜 preserve and cherish

取其精华,去其糟粕 absorb its essence and resist its dark side

积极促进文化发展 promote cultural development positively

辉煌灿烂的文化遗产 splendid and glorious cultural heritage/legacy/relics

与时俱进 keep pace with times

跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication

文化差异 cultural differences

文化传统 cultural traditions

人类文明 human civilization

精神文明 spiritual civilization

主流文化 mainstream culture

解读经典 interpretation of classics

2 流行文化

流行文化 popular culture

电视广告泛滥 the pervasive advertisements on TV

偶像崇拜 idol worship

上网成瘾 web/Internet addiction

虚拟生活 virtual life

网上交友 making friends online

网聊 chatting on the Internet

网络谣言 online gossip

网上购物 online shopping

网络监管 the Internet supervision

网络暴力 the Internet violence

不负责的言论 irresponsible remarks

购买彩票 buy lottery tickets

网络游戏 online games

数码产品 digital products

手机短信 text message

垃圾短信 junk message

手机入网 mobile phone subscription


1 独立

自立 self-dependence

溺爱 dote, spoil

独生子女 only child

激烈竞争 fierce competition

啃老族 boomerang kids, NEET (Not currently engaged in Education, Employment or Training)

不劳而获 reap without sowing

2 坚持

不断努力 make constant efforts

决不放弃 never give up

决不停止进步 never stop making progress

获得成功 achieve success

创新 innovation

勤奋 diligence

奋斗精神 striving spirit

人生观 outlook of life

世界观 world outlook

恒心 perseverance

耐心 patience

谨慎 prudence

3 信心

自信 self-confidence

谦虚 modesty

缺乏自信 lack of confidence

高估困难 exaggerate/overestimate difficulties

低估能力 underestimate one’s abilities

4 合作

团队合作 teamwork

团队精神 team spirit

与他人合作 cooperate with others

齐心协力/众志成城 joint/cooperative efforts

互相帮助 help each other

5 乐观

保持乐观 keep optimistic

悲观 pessimism

悲观的 be pessimistic

积极态度 positive attitude

仁慈 benevolence



生理健康 physical health

心理健康 mental/psychological health/fitness

健康问题 health concern

亚健康 sub-health

公共卫生 public health

心态 state of mind

体育锻炼 physical exercises

均衡饮食 well-balanced diet

垃圾食品 junk food

减肥/节食 go on a diet

提供医疗服务 provide medical services

牺牲健康 sacrifice health

短期经济利益 short-term economic benefits

全面禁烟 total tobacco ban

疾病 illness/disease

慢性病 chronic disease

传染病 infectious disease

癌症 cancer

医疗体制改革 reform of medical system


代沟 generation gap

弥合差距 bridge the gap

相互理解 mutual understanding

误解 misunderstanding

照顾 care, take care of, look after

虐待 mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat

老龄化社会 aging society

人口老龄化 population aging

老年人 old/aged people, the old/aged/elders/elderly, senior citizens

奉行孝道 practice filial piety


公德 public morality

传统美德 traditional virtues

责任 duty/responsibility

责任感 sense of responsibility

承担责任 shoulder/assume/undertake one’s duties/ responsibilities

逃避责任 avoid/shirk/shun one’s duties/responsibilities

奉献 devote/dedicate; devotion/dedication

无私奉献 selfless devotion

信任危机 the crisis of trust

公德堕落 the corruption of public morality

道德缺失 the lack of moral sense

不道德行为 immoral behaviors

希望工程 Project Hope

中国红十字会 China Red Cross Foundation

慈善 charity

捐款 donate/donation

贫困乡村地区 poor rural areas

入学 start schooling

辍学 drop out of school

完成学业 finish school

尊老爱幼 to respect the old and care for the young

随地吐痰 spit everywhere

大声喧哗 make noise, talk loudly


空洞承诺 empty promise

虚假承诺 false promise

伪劣产品 fake commodities

欺诈行为 dishonest behaviors

诚信 honesty

学术腐败 academic corruption

剽窃抄袭 plagiarism

食品安全 food safety

工程质量 construction quality

地沟油 drainage oil

毒奶粉 poisonous milk powder

食品添加剂 food additives

过度上涨 excessive growth

非法广告 illegal ads

不公平竞争 unfair competitions

争抢利益 compete for benefits

治标不治本 address symptoms but not root causes

管理部门 administration departments

监管部门 supervision departments

商家 merchant

厂家 manufacturer

企业经营者 enterprise operator

有关当局 authorities concerned

收受贿赂 take bribes

漠视法律 disregard of laws

推卸责任 shift the blame onto...

消费者权益 consumers’ rights and interests

伪专家 unqualified experts

公正有效地履行职责 perform one’s tasks fairly and effectively

提供礼貌热情的服务 provide polite and hospitable services

腐败现象 corruption phenomenon


公交专用车道 bus lane

(机动车)单双号限行 odd-and-even license plate rule

早晚高峰 morning and evening peak

交通拥堵 traffic jam/congestion, heavy traffic

交通高峰期 rush hour

公共交通线路网 public transport network

尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

交通管制 traffic control

无车日 car-free day

交通事故traffic accidents

私家车 private cars

发展公共交通 develop public transport

醉驾 drunk drive

酒后驾车 drive under the influence of alcohol

司机 driver

行人 pedestrian


经济危机 economic crisis, financial crisis, financial turmoil, financial meltdown

经济不景气 recession, bleeding economy, depression, sluggish economy

失业 lose one’s job, be unemployed, be redundant

失业加剧 job losses mount, unemployment climb

失业人数 unemployment

找工作 seek employment

找工作者 job seeker

严峻的就业形势 a tough job market

信心下滑 confidence slump

经济复苏 economic recovery

经济危机的影响 the crisis’ fallout

应对危机 face the crisis, meet the crisis, fight crisis

重建信心 confidence reconstruction

遏制衰退 contain declines

减缓衰退 slow down declines

安居工程 affordable/comfortable housing project

成本削减 cost-cutting

创造新的就业 generate new employment

刺激消费 stimulate consumer spending

恢复 revive, recovery, turnaround

积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy

减少裁员 refrain from laying off employees

减员 cut the salaried work force

结构调整 structural adjustment

经济刺激方案 stimulus package, stimulus plan

就业指导 career guidance

扩大内需 propel/drive/expand domestic demand

基础设施建设 infrastructure construction

减免税收 tax relief

实行节约 practice economy

适度宽松的货币政策 moderately loose monetary policy

政府紧急援助 government bailout

政府做某事的决心 government’s vow to do sth.

市场经济体制 the market economy system

经济全球化 economic globalization

国际经济组织 international economic organization

科技进步 advancements in science and technology

跨国公司 multinationals

私营企业 private enterprise

汽车产业 automobile industry

房地产业 real estate industry

电信产业 telecommunication industry

国产品牌 domestic/national/Chinese brand

市场份额 market share/portion

公司 company/corporation

企业 enterprise

员工 staff/personnel

工作满意度 job satisfaction

工作压力 work/working pressure

提高福利待遇 improve welfare and treatment

吸引外资 attract foreign investment

法律保护 legal protection

深远的社会影响 profound social and economic impact

改革开放 the reform and opening-up

社会保障体系 social security system

失业 unemployment

住房问题 housing problem

公用基础设施 public infrastructure

摩天大楼 skyscraper

可持续的城市发展 sustainable urban development

城市化 urbanization


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  • 2019年中国传媒大学448汉语写作与百科知识考研大纲
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-29
  • 2019年华东理工大学448汉语写作与百科知识考研大纲
    2019年448-汉语写作与百科知识考试大纲一、考试目的本考试是全日制翻译硕士专业学位研究生的入学资格考试之专业基础课,考生统一用汉语答题。二、考试的性质与范围本考试是测试考生百科知识和汉语写作水平的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括本大纲规定的百科知识和汉语写作水平。三、 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-29