2019考研《英语(二)》真题答案(完整 文都版)

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-28

  SectionⅠ Use of English


  1. [D] However

  2. [A] helps

  3. [B] solely

  4. [B] lowering

  5. [D] reach

  6. [B] depiction

  7. [A] due to

  8. [D] immediate

  9. [C] reasons

  10. [A] instead

  11. [A] track

  12. [D] account for

  13. [B] adjust

  14. [A] results

  15. [C] hungry

  16. [D] sign

  17. [C] decision

  18. [A] disappointing

  19. [A] because

  20. [A] obsessing

  SectionⅡ Reading Comprehension(50 points)

  Part A


  Text 1

  21. [C] foster a child’s moral development

  22. [B] burdensome

  23. [D] an emotion can play opposing roles

  24. [B] can result from either sympahty or guilt

  25. [D] wrongdoings

  Text 2

  26. [D] forests may become a potential threat

  27. [D] lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity

  28. [B] reduce the density of some of its forests

  29. [A] To handle the areas in serious danger first

  30. [C] supportive

  Text 3

  31. [C] Flaws in U. S. immigratinon rules for farm workers.

  32. [D] the aging of immigrant farm workers

  33. [B] To get native U.S. workers back to farming.

  34. [A] slow graning procedures.

  35. [B] Import Food or Labor?

  Text 4

  36. [B] urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

  37. [B] prevent us from making further efforts

  38. [D] We should press our government to lead the combat

  39. [D] a top down process

  40. [C] are far from sufficient

  Part B


  41. [A] remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children

  42. [D] thinks that children should be given a sense of involvement in homebuying decision

  43. [C] advises that home purchases should not be based only on children’s opinions

  44. [G] assumes that many children’s views on real estate are influenced by the media

  45. [F] believes that homebuying decisions should be based on children’s needs rather than their opinions.

  Section Ⅲ Translation



  Section Ⅳ Writing

  Part A


  Dear Prof. Smith,

  It’s my pleasure to plan the debate on city traffic, and I am writing mainly to put forward advice on the topic of this debate and introduce my preliminary arrangements concerned.

  To begin with, the debate can be conducted with the topic of “By Bus or By Bike” on the ground that a host of residents prefer convenient vehicles to reduce time cost under the background of increasingly heavy city traffic. Therefore, the participants in this debate can take an active part in it due to their real experience in daily life. Regarding the arrangements of the debate, it will be held in the auditorium on our campus Dec.28th,2018. Anyone interested in this debate can apply for participation at the Students’ Union Office before Dec. 24th. Finally, a watch will be awarded to the winner of the debate .

  It will be highly appreciated if you could give me an early reply or some comments on my plan.

  Yours sincerely,

  Zhang Wei

  Part B


  This bar chart depicts the changes of college students’ different choices after graduation from 2013 to 2018. According to the data given above, the percentage of hunting for a job has decreased from 68.1% to 60.7% while the percentage of pursuing a further study in postgraduate schools increased from 26.3% to 34.0%. By contrast, the change of the percentage of starting a business is not obvious.

  There are several possible factors which account for this phenomenon and the followings are the typical ones. On the one hand, due to the increasing emphasis on education, pursuing a further study has become much more popular for college students. On the other, it is the stress from fierce employment competition that makes college students realize the significance of enhancing their academic level and practical skills, which explains the reason why the percentage of hunting for a job has decreased obviously.

  From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion that this established trend is acceptable. And it is wise for postgraduate students to broaden their horizons and to improve their practical skills during postgraduate study. Only in this way, can they be qualified for the future position.


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