
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-03-27

In those days they lived a life worse than that of a beast of burden.
在该句中,前面出现的词组为a life,但that替代的却是the life。

The problem confronting us today is not dissimilar from that which the nation confronted in the 1930s.
Gung-ho——热情高涨,极感兴趣。这个词在美语里用的频率特高,人们常挂在嘴边,比如:At first everyone is gung-ho about this idea.But now no-body even talks about it.(刚开始大家对这个想法都抱有极大的兴趣和热情。而现在谁也不提它了)。但对于这个词的原意却说法不一。有人认为是从“干活”这个词派生而来,也有人认为是从公共合作社的缩写“公合”而来,还有人认为是从“更好”这个词转化来的。笔者倾向于此词派生于“干活”的说法。
YinandYang——阴阳。这些词的拼法大多延用韦氏(Wade Giles)音标。
另外,有一句常用话,虽然里面没有一个中文字,但公认是从中国话里搬来的,这句话就是“Long time no see”———很久不见。
观众a crowd of spectators
一群人a crowd of people
一群人a throng of people
一群影迷a throng of film fans
一群女学生a group of girl students
一群旁观者a group of onlookers
一群欢迎者a troop of welcomers
一群示威者a troop of demonstrators
THRONG: 为数众多的挤在一处或向前涌去的群;
一群才子a galaxy of talents
一群美女a galaxy of beauties
一群匪徒a band of gangsters
一群劫匪a gang of robbers
一群建筑物a cluster of buildings
一群海岛a cluster of islands

一群羊a flock of sheep
一群鸭a flock of ducks
一群牛a herd of cattle
一群马a herd of horses
一群豺狼a pack of wolves
一群猎犬a pack of hounds
一群猴子a host of monkeys
一群蜜蜂a swarm of bees

FLOCK: 飞鸟家禽、牲畜等的群,尤指羊群;


1.As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons: lack of physical and mental energy—both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away—and sentiment.
分析:该句包含了并列结构被分割的情况。lack of physical and mental energy和sentiment 是并列结构,作two other reasons的同位语。但是被非限定性定语从句both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away分割。
2.Old Henry and his wife Phoebe were as fond of each other as it is possible for two old people to be who have nothing else in this life to be fond of.
分析:连词as 引导的比较状语从句中,it 代替for two old people to be。to be 后省略了fond of each other。to be 做分割成分。
3.It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States—a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer.
分析:insistence 后接upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States, 中间被插入语as a first consideration 分割,做进一步说明。该句选自美国前总统罗斯福在1933年的就职演说。汉语中动词用得较多,翻译时可把名词转译为动词。
4.A better knowledge of China’s civilization would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described.
分析:lay open 和 an empire of learning 被介词短语 to us 分割。本句选自英国前首相撒切尔夫人1982年在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话。翻译时要注意转译的应用。如把“better”译为副词“更好地”。
5.In the last eight years there were difficult, almost non-stop negotiations and reported threats of failure, ultimately overcome by a combination of creative compromise and stubborn determination—indeed, some call it unprecedented determination—to succeed.
分析:本句的主干结构是:…there were negotiations and…threats of failure。“overcome by…”是过去分词短语,修饰 threats of failure。stubborn determination 和其定语动词不定式“to succeed”被“indeed, some call it unprecedented determination”分割。
6.Abraham Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position.
分析:the claim 和其同位语 that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position 被 the claim 的定语从句that Americans often made 分割。同位语从句在翻译时可按照顺序翻译,将其翻译为分句。
7.To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.
分析:such…that 结构可将such或含有such 的词组放在句首,使全句采用部分倒装。与此用法类似的还有so…that结构。
8.Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.
9.Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday’s “baby boom” generation reached its child-bearing years.
10.Tapping the new spirit, there can be no nobler nor more ambitious task for America to undertake on this day of a new beginning than to help shape a just and peaceful world that is truly humane.
分析:no nobler nor more ambitious 中的 nor 是连词,常与 neither 或 nor 连用,有时也与 no, never 等表示否定的词连用。主句是含有 no more…than 的普通比较句型。分词短语tapping the new spirit 是表示目的的状语。本句选自美国前总统卡特在1977年的就职演说。
11.Marriage has never been more popular and desirable than it is now——so appealing in fact, that even those who are in the process of divorce can scarcely wait for the law to allow them to marry again.
12.There was something original,independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them .这个方案有创造性,而且别出心裁,又有魅力,所以深得他们的喜欢。
13.Temperature plays the same part in the flow of heat that pres- sure does in the flow of fluids.温度在热的传导中所起的作用和压力在液体的流动中所起的作用相同。(注意使用该句式)
14.When the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his fingertips.
分析:在这句话中,“hardly…without”构成了“双重否定”(double negation)。虽然只有without在词形上具有明显的否定特征,但是hardly(以及scarcely, barely, few, little等)虽然没有明显的否定特征,却有否定的词义。实际上,双重否定表达的是肯定的意思,因此在翻译成汉语时,既可以将原句按照两个否定的形式表述出来,也可按照否定的语气译出。
15.There was the growing realization that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible. One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock. There was the growing realization that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible. One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock.
16. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown.
17. So, tips will no doubt net much less during the summer and the company will be less interesting.
分析:这是并列句。由and连接。第一句中的谓语动词是will net, net在这里做动词,意为“挣得、赢得”。第二句的谓语动词是will be,因为两个句子在结构上是平行的,所以省略了will,又因为省略的是助动词,因此汉语中不必译出。
18. By taking thought, men can move mountains——and have.
19. When the media add interpretation and analysis, as they must to do their job fully, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense.
分析:as 引导的从句说明when从句的内容,可以说是从句的从句,翻译时最好放在主句之后,起补充说明作用。句中must 后省略了谓语add interpretation and analysis。
20. But the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, denying the significance of physiological difference, and condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the family roles important to many women.
分析:句中由by引导的三个并列平行结构表示原因。treated as…结构使用了倒装结构,因为the family roles后面有修饰成分,故将其置后。
21. There is no complete inventory of positions or people in federal service at this level. The lack may be explained by separate agency statutes and personnel systems, diffusion among so many special services, and the absence of any central point (short of President himself) with jurisdiction over all upper-level personnel of the government.
22. That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.
23. With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucose , which is then sent (in part )back to the muscles for glycogen synthesis.
解释:本句中修饰成分极多,以分词修饰和介词结构修饰为主,作各种类型的状语。前面的状语和主句还好理解,从leaving开始句子变难;leaving引导的直到句末的结构来做整个句子的状语;分词中又包含了三个状语,其中的两个via oxidative metabolism by the liver又起到了插入语的作用,把be converted into拆成两段。
本句的另外一个特征是其中充斥着专有名词。其中的body fluids, oxidative和synthesis通过字面的意思或者根据词头、词根我们还是应该猜出其意思的,lactic acid, metabolism和muscle这三个词在生物类文章中极其常用,大家应该背下来;而glycogen这种东西则没办法,只能作一个首字母提炼。但是请记住,GRE和GMAT文章中只要出现了这种专有名词,出题者是一定会在文章中把它在文章中所乃至的词义解释清楚的,所以读者遇到文章中做了解释的专有名词,应该力求把解释看懂。
译文:随着爆发出来的运动的结束,再体液中乳酸含量会变得很高,使得大型动物处于容易受到攻击的状态,直到乳酸通过有氧新陈代谢,被肝脏转化成(convert into)葡萄糖,而葡萄糖接下来又会(部分)传送回肌肉中重新合成糖原 。
24. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent, he shows that the slaves’ preference, revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent, was very much for stable monogamy.
25. This preference for exogamy, Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage, which, though they differed from one tribal group to another, all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.
译文:古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。
26.Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.
27. Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.
虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serial hypothesis),至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。
28. Thus, for instance, it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of this atom, but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin, magnetic dipole, and relativistic effects; and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.
29. In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer's Cane, verges on expressionism or surrealism ; does this technique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted , a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression ?
30. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavelength,  infrared emissions radiated from the Earth’s surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space.
虽然这些分子允许可见波长(visible wavelength)的辐射——阳光的绝大部分能量就汇集于此——不受阻挡地穿透,但它们却会吸收某些较长波长(longer-wavelength),亦即从地球表面辐射出的红外发射(infrared emission),这种辐射若不是二氧化碳的缘故就会被重新输送回太空。
31. The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing constraints—ways of feeling, thinking, and acting that  "come naturally" in archetypal situations in any culture.
32. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the “details” versus “constraints” distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?
33. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers.
34. In the periods of peak zooplankton abundance, that is, in the late spring and in the summer,  Haney recorded maximum daily community grazing rates, for nutrient-poor lakes and bog lakes, respectively, of 6.6 percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-02-17
  • 2020考研英语基础复习阶段怎样增加词汇量
      英语的词汇学习有很多:联想法,词根词缀法,谐音法,象形法等林林总总不下数十种,到底如何才能记住单词,又如何让英语在真正意义上有所提高? 广大同学在复习英语的过程中应该强化自己的能力,掌握适合自己的学习方法,记忆法有很多,大家要选择最适合自己的方法,才能做到真正意义上的提高。  背单词,可能是每个同 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-02-17