2020考研英语语法新思维 第8集(2)

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09

该定语从句的谓语handed over中出现了宾语后置:which handed over to DeepMind the records of 1.6 million patients,正常语序是which handed the records of 1.6 million patients over to DeepMind,或者which handed over the records of 1.6 million patients to DeepMind。这里是hand X over to Y或hand over X to Y的结构。两个介词短语in 2015和on the basis of...都修饰handed,作状语。

第二个定语从句which took...修饰agreement。

精品译文 它是在这样的背景下发生的:信息监管专员伊丽莎白·德纳姆针对国民保健署(NHS)下属的皇家自由(the Royal Free)医疗基金会作出了有罪的裁决,因该基金会在2015年仅凭一份含糊其辞的协议就把160万病人的医疗记录转交给了DeepMind公司。这份协议对病人所享有的权利及其期望的隐私保护几乎只字未提。

难句解题 这句是31题的答案依据:

31. What is true of the agreement between the NHS and DeepMind?

[A] It caused conflicts among tech giants.

[B] It failed to pay due attention to patients’ rights.

[C] It fell short of the latter’s expectations.

[D] It put both sides into a dangerous situation.

针对这份协议,原文说a vague agreement which took far too little account of the patients’ rights and their expectations of privacy,其中took far too little account of the patients’ rights就是B选项的同义替换,故B正确。

9 Further arrangements—and there may be many—between the NHS and DeepMind will be carefully scrutinised to ensure that all necessary permissions have been asked of patients and all unnecessary data has been sanitised.

妙语点睛 句中的all necessary permissions have been asked of patients来自搭配ask sth. of sb.,意为“询问某人某事”:ask all necessary permissions of patients改为现在完成时态的被动语态就是:all necessary permissions have been asked of patients。


精品译文 英国国民保健署NHS和DeepMind公司之间的进一步安排(可能会有很多)将需要接受严格审查,以确保获得了病人所有必要的许可,以及删去了所有不必要的数据。

难句解题 这句是32题的答案依据:

32. The NHS trust responded to Denham’s verdict with ______.

[A] empty promises

[B] tough resistance

[C] necessary adjustments

[D] sincere apologies

该句前一句提到the NHS trust has mended its way,意思是该基金会改过自新,纠正错误,然后本句就说到further arrangements“进一步的安排”,确保获得相关病人的同意,删除不必要的数据。这正是选项C的意思。

10 But this distinction misses the point that it is processing and aggregation, not the mere possession of bits, that gives the data value.

妙语点睛 在point后面接了一个同位语从句,这个同位语从句采用了it is...that...的强调句型。

精品译文 但是这种区分忽略了一点:数据的真正价值在于对数据的处理和汇总,而不是简单的占有。

难句解题 这句是33题的答案依据:

33. The author argues in Paragraph 2 that ______.

[A] privacy protection must be secured at all costs

[B] leaking patients’ data is worse than selling it

[C] making profits from patients’ data is illegal

[D] the value of data comes from the processing of it

上句中的it is processing and aggregation, ..., that gives the data value与D选项是同义替换关系。

11 It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives. What matters is that they will belong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources.

妙语点睛 在say后面接了that引导的宾语从句。宾语从句的主语是algorithms,其后接定语从句(that) DeepMind develops,省去了关系代词that。从句谓语是will benefit...and save...。在第二句中,what matters是主语从句,具有强调含义(详见《名词从句超精解》P351-374)。在其后的that从句中,they指代algorithms。句末由which引导的定语从句修饰monopoly,其中them也是指algorithms,此外还有动名词短语using public resources作状语,修饰developed。

精品译文 虽然DeepMind公司研发出来的算法将对病人有利,可以拯救生命,但光说这点是不够的。问题的核心是,这些算法最终将被一家私人公司垄断所有,而它却是利用公共资源开发了这些算法。

难句解题 这句是34题的答案依据:

34. According to the last paragraph, the real worry arising from this deal is ______.

[A] the vicious rivalry among big pharmas

[B] the ineffective enforcement of privacy law

[C] the uncontrolled use of new software

[D] the monopoly of big data by tech giants

在本句之前出现了They do not address the real worry,然后本句说What matters is that they will belong to a private monopoly,这与D选项的内容属于同义替换。

12.12.5 阅读Part A第四篇中的难句

背景介绍 美国邮政署(United States Postal Service, USPS),又称美国邮局、美国邮政服务,是美国联邦政府的一个独立机构,是少数在美国宪法中提及设立的机构。邮政署的历史可上溯至1775年,第二次大陆会议任命本杰明·富兰克林为美国首任邮政署长。1792年,邮政署升格成为美国邮政部,成为美国内阁下属部门之一,富兰克林为首任邮政部长。1971年,根据邮政重组法案邮政部撤销,并重新降格为现今的美国邮政署。

美国邮政署拥有596 000名雇员,以及218 684辆汽车,是全球最庞大的民用车队。每年处理177亿封信件,占全球数量的四成。邮政署投递覆盖美国国土的每一个角落,设置专用信箱,并采取统一资费,但其快递业务评价仍输给美国私营企业如联邦快递和联合包裹服务。

12 Fundamentally, the USPS is in a historic squeeze between technological change that has permanently decreased demand for its bread-and-butter product, first-class mail, and a regulatory structure that denies management the flexibility to adjust its operations to the new reality.

妙语点睛 首先,从语篇角度来看,本段前几句指出了美国邮政(USPS)面临的巨额亏损,多次濒临破产。然后作者指出原因:There are many reasons this formerly stable federal institution finds itself at the brink of insolvency——这是原文,命题人将原文替换成了There are many bankruptcies。作者通过fundamentally一词表明,这句才是根本原因。

其次,从句法结构角度来看,该句核心结构是between X and Y。在X、Y所代表的这两个名词短语中都包含定语从句,以下为详述。

X=technological change that has permanently decreased demand for its bread-and-butter product, first-class mail

其中中心词是technological change“技术变革”,它作为先行词,后接定语从句that has permanently decreased...。然后是demand for搭配,表示“需求……”。这里its指代美国邮政,bread-and-butter意思是“主要收入来源,主业”(main source of income)。逗号后面的first-class mail“普通邮件,一类邮件”(就是指邮局的传统业务,包括送信、送贺卡、送包裹等服务)是充当bread-and-butter product“核心业务”的同位语。整个短语的意思是,技术变革使得美国邮政的普通邮件这一核心业务的需求量减少,而且是永久性的减少,可译成“技术变革使得美国邮政的普通邮件这一核心业务的需求量永久性减少”。

Y=a regulatory structure that denies management the flexibility to adjust its operations to the new reality

其中中心词是a regulatory structure“监管机构”,也就是下文第二段第一句中所说的美国国会(ultimate overseer—Congress),这是美国邮政的最终监管机构。比如它可以对美国邮政的核心业务设立法定价格上限(statutory price cap),也就是不让涨价,这自然会极大影响美国邮政的收入。原文提供了这样一例:To cite just one example: Products that account for 74 percent of USPS revenue are covered by a statutory price cap.(占美国邮政收入的74%的业务被设定了价格上限)。

在该中心词后面接了一个that引导的定语从句。从句谓语部分denies sb. sth.采用了双宾语句式,意为“拒绝给某人某物”。这里的间接宾语是management,指美国邮政的管理层;直接宾语是the flexibility...reality,表示“灵活调整自己的经营业务来应对新的现实”。这里是说美国邮政的监管机构捆住了美国邮政的手脚,没有给它充分的经营自主权。

精品译文 从根本上来说,美国邮政当前陷入了一个历史困境中,面临双面夹击:一方面,技术变革使得美国邮政的普通邮件这一核心业务的需求量减少,而且是永久性的减少;另一方面,美国邮政的监管机构没有给它灵活的经营自主权,来灵活调整自己的经营以应对新的现实。

难句解题 这句是36题答案的依据:

36. The financial problem with the USPS is caused partly by ______.

[A] its unbalanced budget

[B] its rigid management

[C] the cost for technical upgrading

[D] the withdrawal of bank support


13 And interest groups ranging from postal unions to greeting-card makers exert self-interested pressure on the USPS’s ultimate overseer—Congress—insisting that whatever else happens to the Postal Service, aspects of the status quo they depend on get protected.

妙语点睛 首先,从语篇角度来看,本段同上面第一段一样,还是继续指出美国邮政当前的困境。这一段是讲一些利益集团对美国邮政改革的阻挠。

其次,从句法结构角度来看,主语核心词是interest groups,意为“利益集团,利益团体”(a group of people who work together to achieve sth. that they are particularly interested in, especially by putting pressure on the government, etc.)。

谓语部分是exert self-interested pressure on the USPS’s ultimate overseer—Congress。在翻译时,不要把self-interested“自私自利的”直接译成定语,比如译成“给国会施加自私自利的压力”,而是要把它单独提取出来进行转译,比如译成“出于自身利益的考量给国会施压”。

insisting的逻辑主语就是interest groups,后接宾语从句that whatever... protected,来阐明他们的利益诉求。这个宾语从句内部嵌套了一个让步状语从句whatever else happens to the Postal Service及其相应的主句aspects of the status quo they depend on get protected。以下为详述:

宾语从句的谓语动词是get protected,它其实采用了虚拟语气形式(因为insist“坚持要求,主张”后面须用虚拟形式),即省去了should—(should) get protected。在美国英语中,这里的should一般是不要的,而英国英语可以添加should。

宾语从句的主语部分是aspects of the status quo they depend on,其中they depend on是定语从句,省去了关系代词that。这里they指的就是开头说的interest groups。先行词aspects of the status quo意为“各方面现状”。其中the status quo是一个很常见的拉丁语,意思是“现状”(the state of a situation as it is)。

宾语从句还带有一个让步状语从句whatever else happens to the Postal Service,其中whatever else作主语,意为“无论其他什么”。这里的else与下文中提到的aspects of the status quo形成语义对照。言外之意,无论美国邮政要进行怎样的其他方面(else)的改革,目前的利益格局不能动,要维持现状。这就是利益集团(包括邮政工会和贺卡生产商)的利益诉求。

精品译文 各个利益集团(包括邮政工会和贺卡制造商)出于自身利益的考量,给美国邮政的最终监管机构——美国国会施压。他们的利益诉求是:无论美国邮政要进行怎样的其他方面的改革,目前他们所享有的利益格局不能动,要受到保护。

难句解题 这句是37题答案的依据:

37. According to Paragraph 2, the USPS fails to modernize itself due to ______.

[A] the interference from interest groups

[B] the inadequate funding from Congress

[C] the shrinking demand for postal service

[D] the incompetence of postal unions

本题答案是A,“来自利益集团的干扰”正是上句的核心意思。结合本段的这句This is why repeated attempts at reform legislation have failed in recent years, leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization,题干中的fails to modernize itself与原文中的deferring vital modernization属于同义关系。

14 Now comes word that everyone involved—Democrats, Republicans, the Postal Service, the unions and the system’s heaviest users—has finally agreed on a plan to fix the system.

妙语点睛 这里的now comes word是倒装句。主语是word,意为“消息”,是不可数名词,所以没有用冠词a修饰。在word后面接了一个同位语从句,来具体说明消息的内容。从句主语是everyone,双破折号中间的内容与everyone是同位语关系。分词involved作后置定语,修饰everyone,不是从句谓语。从句谓语是has agreed。动词短语agree on意为“就……达成一致”。不定式to fix the system作定语,修饰plan。这里的the system就是指美国邮政。另外plan“救助方案”与下文提到的legislation有语义呼应关系:前者说方案,后者就说正在立法。

精品译文 现在有消息称,有关各方(民主党、共和党、美国邮政、工会组织以及广大邮政用户)已经最终达成了一个救助方案。

15 Legislation is moving through the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that would save USPS an estimated $28.6 billion over five years, which could help pay for new vehicles, among other survival measures.

妙语点睛 首先提醒大家,这句中的the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee“美国众议院监管及政府改革委员会”被命题人简化成了the House“众议院”。

再看从句that would save...,既然连词that作主语,就必然是一个关系代词,所以这是一个that引导的定语从句。它不是修饰committee这样的政府机构,而是修饰前面的主语legislation。简言之,定语从句与其先行词legislation被长长的谓语内容分隔开了,这是因为定语从句本身更复杂,从that开始一直到句末。

上文说过,这里的legislation是“立法”的意思,与plan有呼应关系。谓语部分is moving的基本意思是“(某事)在进展,发展”(If a situation or process is moving, it is developing or progressing, rather than staying still.)。因此,Legislation is moving表示“正在进行立法”。也就是说,方案(plan)还在等待立法,并且也还未获得通过,一切救助措施还只是纸上谈兵,都不是事实。这都是在谈论虚拟假设的情形。因此,在本段中would和could出现了很多次,比如would save、could help、would come、would offset,这些都是虚拟语气的用法。阅读时要注意明察。

本句在that定语从句中又嵌套了which引导的非限制性定语从句。此处which指代286亿美元,用这笔钱可以帮助购买新车辆(new vehicles)。这里之所以说到购买新车辆,是因为原文在第二段最后提到这句(...leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization;) the average postal delivery vehicle went into operation around President Bill Clinton’s first year in office,但被命题人删去了。这里的vehicles就是指postal delivery vehicles,即“邮政运输车辆”。上文提到的leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization意为“由于美国邮政付不起账单(注:暗指买不起车辆),只好推迟重要方面的现代化”。从这里我们可以看出,作者所说的vital modernization“重要方面的现代化”至少包括购买新车辆。原文提到,美国邮政的运输车辆一般还是在克林顿总统第一年任期时(也就是1993年左右)投入运营的,距今已有20多年了。可见,运输车辆已经老化,急需购买新车辆,这也是作为救助美国邮政的措施之一,因此与下文提到的among other survival measures有呼应关系。

可见,原文提到的postal delivery vehicle非常重要,因为它在上文的pay its bills、vital modernization与题干句中的pay for new vehicles, among other survival measures之间建立起了语义逻辑的联系。但是,由于命题人删去了上面这句,使得pay for new vehicles显得有点突兀,也让我们不易看出它与among other survival measures的呼应关系。而作者原文说pay its bills/the average postal delivery vehicle与这里pay for new vehicles也就呼应上了。可见,命题人删去文中的一些细节信息,增加了理解文章细节内容的难度。

精品译文 现在正由众议院监管及政府改革委员会牵头进行立法。该法案(若获得通过)在5年内估计将会为美国邮政系统节约达286亿美元的费用。这笔钱可以用来帮助购买新的邮政运输车辆以及应用于其他的救助措施当中。

16 Most of the money would come from a penny-per-letter permanent rate increase and from shifting postal retirees into Medicare. The latter step would largely offset the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care, thus addressing a long-standing complaint by the USPS and its union.

妙语点睛 这里的the money就是上文提到的286亿美元。如上文所说,这里出现的谓语would come、would offset都采用了虚拟语气,表明这只是谈论理想的情形,实际当中不一定真的会发生。

这里的the latter step即指shifting postal retirees into Medicare;the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care与a long-standing complaint属于同义关系。

精品译文 (所节省的)这笔钱主要来自两个措施:一是提高邮件资费(每封信件涨价一分钱);二是将邮政退休人员转入美国医保体系。美国邮政每年要为其退休人员预付医保资金,这一财务负担将通过后一措施大体抵消。这样也就解决了美国邮政及其工会长期以来的一块心病。

难句解题 这句是38题答案的依据。

38. The long-standing complaint by the USPS and its unions can be addressed by ______.

[A] removing its burden of retiree health care

[B] making more investment in new vehicles

[C] adopting a new rate-increase mechanism

[D] attracting more first-class mail users

题干中The long-standing complaint by the USPS and its unions can be addressed对应上句中的addressing a long-standing complaint by the USPS and its union;上句中from shifting postal retirees into Medicare. The latter step would largely offset the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care对应选项A中removing its burden of retiree health care。

17 If it clears the House, this measure would still have to get through the Senate—where someone is bound to point out that it amounts to the bare, bare minimum necessary to keep the Postal Service afloat, not comprehensive reform.

妙语点睛 If从句的主语it就是指主句的主语this measure,也就是上文所说的正在立法中的救助方案。where引导的定语从句修饰Senate这个专有名词,所以采用了破折号,表明这是一个非限制性定语从句(注意,非限制性定语从句不只是可以通过逗号分隔来表示,还可以通过破折号或括号来表示)。

以necessary为核心的形容词短语necessary to keep the Postal Service afloat作后置定语修饰bare minimum,相当于一个定语从句that is necessary to keep...。句末的comprehensive reform与the bare, bare minimum并列,都是作amounts to的宾语,该动词短语意为“等同于,相当于”。

精品译文 这项救助措施如果在众议院获得通过,那么它还须获得参议院的通过。在参议院一定会有人指出,这个救助措施只是勉强维持美国邮政正常运转的最低救助方案,而不是一项全面性的改革。

18 The emerging consensus around the bill is a sign that legislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the USPS. It is not, however, a sign that they’re getting serious about transforming the postal system for the 21st century.

妙语点睛 这里bill与legislation和legislators构成语义呼应,意为“法案”,而非上文bills“账单”的意思。在两个sign后面都接了that引导的同位语从句。另外,short-term与for the 21st century构成语义对照关系。

精品译文 围绕这个法案所达成的初步共识,只是表明立法人员正担心的是美国邮政服务系统短期内运转瘫痪,这会在政治上很难堪,而不是表明他们是在认真对邮政系统进行面向21世纪的深化改革。

难句解题 这句是39、40两题答案的依据。

39. In the last paragraph, the author seems to view legislators with ______.

[A] respect

[B] tolerance

[C] discontent

[D] gratitude

其中这句It is not, however, a sign that they’re getting serious about transforming the postal system for the 21st century.就表明了作者discontent“不满意”的态度。

40. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?


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  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第7集
    12.9.4 阅读Part A第三篇中的难句 14 The policy follows similar efforts from other journals, after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings. 妙语点睛 首先,这里的the policy就是指第一句话The journal Scien ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第6集
    12.2.3 阅读真题第三篇 7 Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, todays peopleespecially those born to families who have lived in the U.S. for many generationsapparently reached their limit in the early 1960s. 图解难句 妙语点睛 该句的主干是: ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第5集
    第十章 动名词与不定式 10.1 动名词与不定式作主语 10.1.1 动名词放在句首作主语 动名词作主语一般直接放在句首,谓语动词用单数。 1 Going to the school dance is a lot of fun. But sometimes, deciding who to go with isnt easy. 精品译文 去学校参加舞会可是件有趣的事,但有时决定和 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第4集
    真题再现:语法攻克考研英译汉1996年第75题 50 New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance. 妙语点睛 这里as引导方式状语从句,as they have相当于as they have arisen。 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第3集
    4.7 条件状语从句 这里只分析真实条件句,非真实条件句将在虚拟语气一章作详细讨论。 4.7.1 常用连词 最常见的引导词是if和unless。 61 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 62 You dont need an umbrella unless it is raining. 如果天没下雨,你就 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第2集
    3. 所选介词需与定语从句中的某个名词构成搭配(不常用) 121 I am sending you an inquiry, to which your prompt attention is highly appreciated. 妙语点睛 这句话通常出现在商务函电中。关系词which前面的介词to与定语从句中的名词attention构成固定搭配attention to,表示处理。 精品译文 兹寄 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2020考研英语语法新思维 第1集
    目录 CONTENTS 前言 PREFACE 第一部分 从句篇 第一章 定语从句 1.1 理解定语从句的关键:找到先行词 1.2 关系代词与关系副词 1.3 关系代词which/that/who/whom 1.4 关系形容词whose 1.5 关系代词what 1.6 关系代词as 1.7 关系代词than 1.8 关系副词when 1.9 关系副词where 1.1 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-07-09
  • 2019年上海海事大学812语法与翻译考研大纲
    上海海事大学研究生入学考试大纲考试科目:812语法与翻译参考书:《新编英语语法教程》(第四或五版)章振邦主编,上海外语教育出版社。题型及分数比例共计150分1.语法选择题(涵盖各主要语法项目;50道四选一题目),共50分。2.句子扩展题(在不改变所给英语句型的基础上使句子复杂化,要求语法正确,语义合 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-29
  • 2019年上海海事大学830日语语法与翻译考研大纲
    上海海事大学研究生入学考试大纲考试科目:830日语语法与翻译参考书:1、《日语语法》主编:王曰和,商务印书馆。2、《日译汉》、《汉译日》主编:高宁等,上外教出版社。题型及分数比例共计150分1.语法选择题 42分2.汉译日 36分3.日译汉 42分4. 日语小论文(700字左右)30分考试大纲:本考 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-29
  • 2019北语法语语言文学真题(回忆版)
    基础法语选择题,比较基础.2.用代词回答问题,基础题3.连线题,动词和名词搭配,感觉有点难,很多不确定4.给出介词,和连词,选词填空5.阅读题,两个,感觉类似于delf那种,6.翻译很难,考到了一国两制。港人治港,奥人治澳法语综合语言学75第一题,填空,给出概念写名称,如:sociolinguist ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-28
  • 语法讲义.朱德熙.商务印书馆,1982
    .. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-14
  • 陆俭明现代汉语语法研究教程
    .. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-10
  • 中国语言文学专业考研习题之现代汉语语法
    2011 中国语言文学专业考研习题之现代汉语语法 2010 年 10 月 11 日 13:13 一、填空题 来源:万学海文 1.语法的三大特点是、、。 2.现代汉语的五级语法单位是、、、、。 3.看一个语言单位是不是语素,主要是看:㈠是不是;⑵是不是。 4.词与词组合构成短语所用的语法手段主要是和。 5. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-03-14
  • 英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第5部分
    6.5.3 不能用作状语的分词结构 在英文中,大多数分词结构都可以用作状语,但有一个例外,即不及物动词(如grow)的过去分词(如grown)不能作状语,但它的完成式(having grown)可以作状语。比如笔者看到很多同学在申请国外大学时,在个人自述(Personal Statement)里谈到自己的成长经历时往往会写出这 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19
  • 英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第4部分
    Exercise 5.5 选择最佳答案填空。 1.     in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated C. The girl&s being educated D. The girl to be educated 2. I still remember     me to Beijing for the first time. A. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19