英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第4部分

本站小编 免费考研网/2018-12-19

Exercise 5.5


1.     in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.

A. The girl was educated

B. The girl educated

C. The girl's being educated

D. The girl to be educated

2. I still remember     me to Beijing for the first time.

A. for my parents to take

B. my parents' taking

C. that my parents take

D. my parents to take

3. I don't see how you can avoid the matter    .

A. discussed

B. to be discussed

C. being discussed

D. been discussed

4. Last night I was awakened by someone     at the door.

A. tap

B. tapping

C. tapped

D. to tap

5. The noise of the desks     could be heard out in the street.

A. opening and closing

B. of being opened and closed

C. to be opened and closed

D. being opened and closed

6. You must tell me the truth. I insist on     the truth.

A. telling

B. having told

C. your telling

D. that you tell

7. I remember     to help us if we ever got into trouble. (9306CET-4)

A. once offering

B. him once offering

C. him to offer

D. to offer him

8. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery     just around the corner was untrue.

A. would be

B. to be

C. was

D. being

9. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always     with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.

A. combined

B. having combined

C. combine

D. being combined

5.6 动名词的时态和语态(一):被动式(being done)

5.6.1 动名词的时态和语态概述


四种体态 主动 被动

一般式 writing being written

完成式 having written having been written

进行式 没有 没有

完成进行式 没有 没有

从以上表格我们看到,动名词可能有四种不同的结构形式,我们常说的doing其实是动名词的一般主动式,这种形式是最常见的。本节将讨论动名词的一般被动式(being done),在5.7节讨论完成主动式(having done)和完成被动式(having been done)。


5.6.2 动名词的被动式


1 He narrowly escaped being run over.

妙语点睛 该句中的动名词being run over修饰主语he,二者存在被动关系,即表示“他被车子轧”,所以动名词要用被动结构。

精品译文 他差一点就被车轧着了。

英国著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)说过这样一句话:

2 There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

妙语点睛 该句中的动名词being talked about修饰名词one thing,二者是被动关系,所以动名词要用被动结构。

精品译文 世界上比被人议论更糟糕的一件事情就是根本没有人去议论。


3 1) I still remember being taken to the zoo for the first time.

2) I remember my parents' taking me to the zoo for the first time.

妙语点睛 在例句1)中,动名词being taken修饰主语I,二者存在被动关系,即表示“我被带去动物园”,所以动名词要用被动结构。在例句2)中,采用了动名词的复合结构my parents' taking,此时,动名词taking与my parents是主动关系,所以动名词要用主动结构。

精品译文 1)我还记得第一次被带到动物园去的情景。



4 I have not the least objection to the child being punished.

妙语点睛 该句中采用了动名词的复合结构the child being punished,因为逻辑主语the child与动名词存在被动关系,所以这里的动名词要用被动的being punished。

精品译文 对这孩子进行惩罚我丝毫不反对。


5 The noise of the desks being opened and closed can be heard out in the street.

妙语点睛 该句中采用了动名词的复合结构the desks being opened and closed,因为逻辑主语the desks与动名词存在被动关系,所以这里的动名词要用被动的being opened and closed。

精品译文 课桌开关的声音在大街上都能听得到。

6 There is a necessity for this type of houses being built.

妙语点睛 该句中采用了动名词的复合结构this type of houses being built,因为逻辑主语this type of houses与动名词存在被动关系,所以这里的动名词要用被动的being built。

精品译文 有必要修建这种类型的房屋。

7 Global warming is the hot topic around the world at this time but, there is also dissention about the evidence being presented to support the argument. The earth is known to go through cycles although; the past has never produced an age of so much industrialization causing the pollution currently being experienced. A major source of the problem is the increase in carbon dioxide levels but, other gases, such as, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, have also contributed.

妙语点睛 该句中采用了动名词的复合结构the evidence being presented to support the argument以及so much industrialization causing the pollution,因为逻辑主语the evidence与动名词存在被动关系,所以这里的动名词要用被动的being presented to support the argument,而so much industrialization与动名词存在主动关系,所以动名词要用主动的causing the pollution。

精品译文 目前,全球变暖成了一个世界性的热门话题。但是人们对于有关全球变暖的各项证据还有争议。现已知道,地球的发展是经历周期变化的。但在以前的周期变化中,地球上还从未经历过现如今这样的时代,即高度发达的工业化造成了人们目前正在遭受的空气污染。全球变暖主要是由于二氧化碳气体的增多,另外,二氧化硫和二氧化氮等气体也难辞其咎。

5.6.3 主动形式表示被动意思

在上一小节我们看到,若动名词与其所修饰的名词之间是被动关系,则动名词要用被动形式。但是,在demand, deserve, need, require和want等动词后面,动名词的主动形式就表示被动的意思,而不需用动名词的被动形式。请看例句:

1 The garden needs watering.

精品译文 这个花园需要浇水。


The garden needs being watered. *

2 He deserved praising.

精品译文 他应该受到表扬。


He deserved being praised. *


3 Your hair wants cutting. You'd better have it done tomorrow.

精品译文 你的头发需要剪了,你最好明天就去理发。

4 The steak is raw. It needs cooking more before I can eat it.

精品译文 这个牛排还是生的,需要再煎一会才能吃。


5 The garden needs to be watered.

6 He deserved to be praised.

7 Your hair wants to be cut. You'd better have it done tomorrow.

8 The steak is raw. It needs to be cooked more before I can eat it.


9 1) He deserves shooting first.

2) He deserves to shoot first.

妙语点睛 在例句1)中,因为用在deserve后面的动名词是主动形式表示被动意思,所以这里shooting的意思是被动的,即表示“他应该第一个被枪毙”。若改成不定式则应该说He deserves to be shot first. 在例句2)中,不定式采用了主动形式,即表示“他应该第一个开始射击”。

精品译文 1)他应该第一个被枪毙。


从以上这个例句我们看到,正确使用动词的形式是多么重要,真可谓“差之毫厘,谬以千里”——用shooting表示被动“他被枪毙”,而用to shoot表示主动“他开枪射击”。关于这一点,我们将在第七章详细讨论其背后的英语思维规律。



5.7 动名词的时态和语态(二):完成式(having done)

5.7.1 动名词的完成主动式



1 Now in Britain you get time off work not only if you're sick but if your dog is. Companies there are beginning to allow employees to work from home or take days off to look after unwell pets. Some companies have introduced policies giving staff paid leave to care for ill dogs and cats or to take them to the vet.

Paid leave is awarded if you need to go to the vet or your animal needs an operation, in the same way people might need time off for a baby or to look after a child. Research by Petplan, a British insurance company, found that 35 percent of its customers admitted to having taken time off work to look after pets or settle new animals.

Cary Cooper, professor at Lancaster University, advised against the practice. "When jobs are insecure, telling a boss that you want time off work to look after a pet does not go down well," he said.

妙语点睛 这里动名词的完成式having taken类似于一个过去完成时态,相当于说its customers admitted that they had taken time off work to look after pets...,表示一种过去的经历。所以,这里动名词的动作是发生在谓语的动作之前,自然用完成式比较合适。

精品译文 现在的英国不仅因为你生病了可以请假,就连你的狗生病了,你也可以请假照顾它。公司开始允许雇员在家里工作,或者请几天假来照顾自己生病的宠物。有的公司为此还施行了新政策,给予员工带薪假,以便于他们照顾病狗、病猫,或者带它们去看兽医。



2 He denied having been there.

=He denied that he had been there.

妙语点睛 动名词的动作在谓语的动作之前,所以说having been。

精品译文 他否认去过那里。

3 He regretted not having gone to university.

妙语点睛 动名词的动作在谓语的动作之前,所以说having gone。

精品译文 他很后悔当初没有上大学。

4 I repented having shot the bird.

精品译文 我后悔射杀了那只鸟。

5 I have always regretted not having studied harder at school.

精品译文 我一直后悔上学时没有更加努力地学习。

6 The man in the corner confessed to having told a lie to the manager of the company.

精品译文 墙角处的那个人承认对这家公司的经理说了谎。

5.7.2 动名词的完成被动式

动名词的完成被动式的构成是having been done,它兼具完成式和被动式的双重特点。下面这个句子讲的是一个孤儿的感受:

1 As they backed out of my drive way I stared at Jonathon's face. His eyes were sunk in and deep in the sockets. I knew it would take him many years to get over never having been loved. He was now free to make a life for himself and to make choices on his own.

妙语点睛 该句的动名词never having been loved是用在get over后面作宾语,显然动名词的动作是在谓语的动作之前,表示在过去一段较长时期内,他因为是孤儿而没有被人爱过,所以自然用完成被动式having been loved合适。

精品译文 当他们的车子后退离开我的车道时,我凝视着乔纳森的脸庞。他的双目深陷。我知道他将花上许多年的时间才能消除那种从来就没有被爱过的感觉。他现在可以自由地过自己想要的生活了,也可以自己作出选择。


2 I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.

妙语点睛 谓语appreciate是表示当前的情况,而动名词having been given是谈两年前的情况,即动名词的动作发生在谓语的动作之前,因此要用完成式。

精品译文 我很感激两年前得到一次出国留学的机会。

3 He prided himself on having never been beaten in chess.

精品译文 他为自己在棋奕上从未被击败而自豪。


4 1) Our modern civilization must not be thought of as     (create) in a short period of time.

2) Mark often attempts to escape     (fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

正确答案 1) been created, 2) being fined。

妙语点睛 这两个例句都是四级考题。在例句1)中,首先,句子的主语civilization与create是被动关系,所以该用动名词的被动式;其次,“文明的创建”显然是在谓语动作be thought of as之前很长时间发生的,故要用完成式。被动式与完成式结合,即要用完成被动式的动名词,所以空格内应该填入having been created。在例句2)中,首先,句子的主语Mark与fine是被动关系,表示“马克被罚款”,所以该用动名词的被动式;其次,这里“罚款”是表示一般的情况,并不是发生在谓语的动作之前,所以要用一般式。被动式与一般式结合即要用一般被动式的动名词,所以空格内应该填入being fined。因此上面两句应该说成:

1) Our modern civilization must not be thought of as having been created in a short period of time.

2) Mark often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

精品译文 1)我们的现代文明决不能认为是在一朝一夕之间建立起来的。





Exercise 5.6-5.7

1. 用括号中动词的适当形式填空。

1. The text needs     (explain) once again.

2. The movie is worthy of     (see).

3. You must tell me the truth. I insist on     (tell) the truth.

4. I strongly object to     (treat) like a child.

5. Clint had a narrow escape. He was almost hit by a car. He barely avoided     (hit) by the speeding automobile.

6. Last year I studied abroad. I appreciate     (give) the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country.

7. I'm angry at him for     (not, tell) me the truth.

8. I don't enjoy     (laugh) at by other people.

9. A: You know Clint, don't you?

B: Clint? I don't think so. I don't recall ever     (meet) him.

10. A: What's the difference between “stop to do” and “stop doing”?

B: Hmmm, that's an interesting question. I don't recall     (ask) that question before.

2. 选择最佳答案填空。

11. Your hair wants    . You'd better have it done tomorrow. (9706 CET-4)

A. cut

B. to cut

C. cutting

D. being cut

12. Our modern civilization must not be thought of as     in a short period of time. (CET-4)

A. being created

B. to have been created

C. having been created

D. to be created

13. Mark often attempts to escape     whenever he breaks traffic regulations. (95-6 CET-4)

A. having been fined

B. to be fined

C. to have been fined

D. being fined

14. I have always regretted     harder at school.

A. to have not studied

B. not study

C. not having studied

D. not to study

15. The man in the corner confessed to     a lie to the manager of the company. (9706 CET-4)

A. have told

B. be told

C. being told

D. having told

5.8 there be 的不定式与动名词形式

本节主要是比较there be句型的两种非谓语形式以及它们的用法。

5.8.1 there be的动名词形式

there be的动名词形式为there being,依然表示“有”的意思,多用于介词后面。


1 He spoke of there being danger.

妙语点睛 因为有介词of,所以该用动名词形式,即there being。

精品译文 他当时提到过有危险。


He spoke of being danger. *

这主要是句子意思表达的需要,因为这里要表示“有危险”的意思,而不是“是危险”。所以要用there be而不是be。再者,因为要用在介词of后面,所以要用动名词there being。


2 No one would have dreamed of there being such a good place.

妙语点睛 这里表示“有”且有介词of,故要用there be的动名词结构,即there being。

精品译文 谁也不会想到,会有这么一个好地方。


3 Do not bet on there being many marriages in China that began with love at first sight. Most Chinese marry for practical--not romantic--reasons. That is the conclusion of a four-year study sponsored by the Ford Foundation of New York City.

妙语点睛 这里表示“有”且有介词on,故要用there be的动名词结构,即there being。

精品译文 别以为许多中国人的婚姻始于“一见钟情”。实际上,大多数中国人结婚是出于非常实际的一些原因,而并非因为浪漫爱情。这是由纽约福特基金会主办的一项为期四年的调查研究得出的结论。

5.8.2 here be的不定式形式

there be的不定式形式为there to be,用在接不定式作宾语的动词后面或介词for后面。请看例句:

1 I don't mean there to be any unpleasantness.

妙语点睛 在mean的后面要接不定式,表示“打算”,所以用there to be。

精品译文 我并没有任何冒犯之意。

2 I don't want there to be any misunderstanding on this point.

妙语点睛 在want的后面要接不定式,所以用there to be。

精品译文 我不希望在这一点上有什么误解。

3 The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exam.

妙语点睛 在expect的后面要接不定式,所以用there to be。

精品译文 同学们都希望在期末考试之前能够多上一些复习课。

我们再来看用在介词for后面的含有there to be的例句:

4 For there to be life, there must be air and water.

=In order that there may be life, there must be air and water.

妙语点睛 这里的不定式表示目的,相当于一个目的状语从句in order that there may be life。

精品译文 要想有生命,首先得要有空气和水。

5 For there to be successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.


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  • 英语语法新思维初级教程——走近语法 第3部分
    Chapter 6 第六章 动词分类(二):英语的五种基本句型 在第五章中,我们根据动词的词义和其在谓语中的作用,把动词分为实义动词(notional verb)、助动词(auxiliary verb)和情态助动词(modal verb)三类。在上述三类动词中,能独立充当句子谓语的只有实义动词。其实,实义动词不仅是句子谓语的核心成分,更 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19
  • 英语语法新思维初级教程——走近语法 第2部分
    4 It was full of garlic. David took one mouthful and shot out of the room! 妙语点睛 作者在这里用了one,是想强调说,虽然大卫只是吃了一口(而不是吃了两口或更多口),但是整个房间里都有大蒜味了,借此来强调大蒜的浓重气味。若是用a mouthful,则显得语气平淡得多。 精品译文 到处都是 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19
  • 英语语法新思维初级教程——走近语法 第1部分
    目录 写在前面 序言 绪论 名词短语 0.1 引言 0.2 名词短语 0.2.1 名词短语的功能 0.2.2 名词短语的构造左二右六的定语规律 0.3 英语句子五成分论 0.4 本篇内容的逻辑安排 第一章 名词 1.1 名词的定义与分类 1.1.1 名词的定义 1.1.2 名词的分 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19
  • 完整版 2019 王菲语法班·第8季(视频)
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-02
  • 对外汉语教学语法 齐沪扬 第5集
    四、连动句用法上的特点 (1)连动句中两个动词短语位置不能互换,否则会改变原来的意思,或者不成句子。连动句的这一个特点不同于并列关系的短语。具有并列关系的结构成分位置可以互换,而不改变原来的意义,而组成连动句的几个短语位置不能变换。 (2)连动句的主语,最常见的是动词(短语)的施事,但也有的是受 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-28
  • 对外汉语教学语法 齐沪扬 第4集
    (四)多层定语的语序问题 如果定中短语中心语前边的定语不止一项,从而形成定语层层叠加的形式的,叫作多层定语,例如一双没膝的长筒尼龙袜子。 1.注意区分几种复杂的短语 在讨论多层定语语序问题之前,我们首先要注意区分几种复杂的短语。一种是几个词语没有主次之分,组成一个联合短语作定语的情 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-28
  • 对外汉语教学语法 齐沪扬 第3集
    (五)列举助词等、等等 [辨析]等与等等 等、等等是两个后附助词。它们常常附在两个或两个以上并列的词语后面,表示列举未尽。例如: ①毒蛇的种类很多,著名的就有五步蛇、眼镜蛇、竹叶青等。 ②我家阳台上种 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-11-28