2020考研英语完形填空精讲精练 第8集

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09


People have speculated for centuries about a future without work. Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activists once again  1  that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by  2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.

A different and not mutually exclusive  3  holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one  4  by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives  5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 , today's unemployed don't seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for  7  Americans. Also, some research suggests that the  8  for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction  9  poorly-educated, middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many  10  the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.

But it doesn't  11  follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the  12  of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the  13  of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could  14  strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the  15  of work may be a bit overblown.“Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,”says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.

These days, because leisure time is relatively  16  for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional  17  of theirjobs.“When I come home from a hard day's work, I often feel  18 , ”Danaher says, adding,“In a world in which I don't have to work, I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself  19  a hobby or apassion project with the intensity usually reserved for  20  matters.

1. A. boasting

B. denying

C. warning

D. ensuring

2. A. inequality

B. instability

C. unreliability

D. uncertainty

3. A. policy

B. guideline

C. resolution

D. prediction

4. A. characterized

B. divided

C. balanced

D. measured

5. A. wisdom

B. meaning

C. glory

D. freedom

6. A. Instead

B. Indeed

C. Thus

D. Nevertheless

7. A. rich

B. urban

C. working

D. educated

8. A. explanation

B. requirement

C. compensation

D. substitute

9. A. under

B. beyond

C. alongside

D. among

10. A. leave behind

B. make up

C. worry about

D. set aside

11. A. statistically

B. occasionally

C. necessarily

D. economically

12. A. chances

B. down sides

C. benefits

D. principles

13. A. absence

B. height

C. face

D. course

14. A. disturb

B. restore

C. exclude

D. yield

15. A. model

B. practice

C. virtue

D. hardship

16. A. tricky

B. lengthy

C. mysterious

D. scarce

17. A. demands

B. standards

C. qualities

D. threats

18. A. ignored

B. tired

C. confused

D. starved

19. A. off

B. against

C. behind

D. into

20. A. technological

B. professional

C. educational

D. interpersonal






1. A. boasting 自夸

B. denying 否认

C. warning 警告

D. ensuring 保证




1)文章开篇第一句指出:几个世纪以来,人们一直在思考没有工作的未来是什么样。第二句开头提到Today is no different,说明如今的人们还在思考这个问题,接着提到,学者、作家和激进分子又一次______科技正在取代人力。空格处在with引导的伴随状语从句中,前面是主语academics, writers, andactivists,后面是that引导的宾语从句。结合上下文,答案应该是C项warning“警告”。




2. A. inequality 不平等

B. instability 不稳定性

C. unreliability 不可靠性

D. uncertainty 不确定性




1)根据空格前的句意可知,此处要填入的词是描述工作消失以后的社会状况,由后一句Afew wealthypeople will own allthe capital, andthe masses will struggle in animpoverished wasteland.可以推断出,工作消失后的未来世界是不平等的。“”A项inequality不平等符合原文含义,是正确选项。


3. A. policy 政策

B. guideline 指导方针

C. resolution 决心

D. prediction 预测




1)分析句子结构可知,空格前是形容词作定语,空格后是谓语动词holds以及that引导的宾语从句,由此可以推断出空格处要填入的名词是主语的核心词。第一段第三句Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by in equality.是人们对工作消失后的世界的一种猜测,而本句说the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,这是第二种猜测。因此可推测出空格处也要填一个和imagine含义接近的词,D项prediction“预测”符合原文的含义,是正确答案。


4. A. characterized 以……为特征

B. divided 划分

C. balanced 平衡

D. measured 测量




1)空格所在的结构是对a wasteland of a different sort的解释说明,one指代a wasteland,上段出现的definedbyinequality是the coming work-free world的特征,可以推断出空格处也要填一个和defined含义接近的词,四个选项中只有A项characterized“以……为特征”最合适。


5. A. wisdom 智慧

B. meaning 意义

C. glory 荣誉

D. freedom 自由




1)空格所在句前的冒号提示我们,此句是对前文one characterized by purposelessness的解释说明,通过分析句意“没有工作赋予生活______,人类就会变得懒惰和沮丧”可知,此处要填入的词应该与purposelessness的含义相反,这样才能和without一起构成purposelessness的同义复现,四个选项中只有B项meaning“意义”符合文意。


6. A. Instead 相反

B. Indeed 的确

C. Thus 因此

D. Nevertheless然而








7. A. rich 富裕的

B. urban 城市的

C. working 有工作的

D. educated 受过教育的




1)分析空格所在句可知,这句话主要是将失业一年以上的美国人(Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year)中得抑郁症的几率(report having depression)和______Americans作比较,推测出空格处要填一个和“unemployed含义相反的词,C项working有工作的”,与“失业的”含义相反,所以是正确答案。


8. A. explanatio n解释

B. requirement 要求

C. compensation 补偿

D. substitute 替代品




1)分析句子结构可知,空格所在的部分是宾语从句的主语,宾语从句的主干为the______for rising rates of...is shortage of well-paidjobs。由此可知,这句话是讲述在未受过良好教育的中年人中,死亡率、心理问题和吸毒比例不断升高(the rising rates of mortality, mental-health problem, and addition)的原因是缺乏高薪工作,四个选项中只有“A项explanation解释”最符合文意。


9. A. under 在……之下

B. beyond 超过

C. alongside 在旁边

D. among 在……之中




1)通过空格后的poorly-educated, middle-aged people分析可知,死亡率、心理问题和吸毒比例不断升高的种种问题出现在未受过良好教育的中年人中,对比四个选项,D项among是正确答案。among“在……之中”,可表示一定范围,如:I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot. 我周围是些经常读书写文章的人,我是在他们的熏陶下长大的。


10. A. leavebehind 留下

B. make up 组成,构成

C. worry about 担心

D. setaside 把……放在一边




1)通过分析句子结构可知,空格所在句是一个表语从句:也许这就是为什么许多人会____没有工作的未来会带来极度痛苦的沉闷。空格处要填入的是谓语部分,表示“许多人”对“没有工作的未来”的看法。因为前一句说,没有受到良好教育的美国中年人因为缺少高收入的工作而出现了种种问题,而人们在看到这些问题之后,对未来没有工作的生活应该会感到担忧,C项worry about是固定搭配,意为“担心”,符合文意,是正确答案。

2)A项leavebehind意为“留下”,B选项make up意为“组成,构成”,D项setaside意为“把……放在一边”,代入文中都不符合“人们对未来感到担心”的含义,所以A、B、D项均可排除。

11. A. statistically 在统计上

B. occasionally 偶尔地

C. necessarily 必要地

D. economically 在经济上






3)B项occasionally意为“偶尔地”,not occasionally的意思是“经常地”,句意与But引起的转折关系冲突,所以排除B项。

12. A. chances 机会

B. downsides 负面影响

C. benefits 益处

D. principles 原则







13. A. absence 缺席

B. height 高度

C. face 面对

D. course 过程




1)本段开头作者否定了前文的观点,认为上述这些研究未必能表明没有工作的世界将充斥着不安。由此可知,这里描述的状态与上文一致,是“没有工作”的状态。inthe absence of为固定搭配,意为“在没有……的情况下”,如:Inthe absence ofactual data no reliance canbe placedon suchfigures.在缺乏实际资料的情况下,这样的数据不可靠。所以A项absence符合文意,是正确答案。

2)B项height意为“高度”,intheheight of为固定搭配,意为“在……的最高水平”,与原文意思不符,可以直接排除。

3)C项可与原文构成固定搭配inthe face of,意为“面对”,D项可构成搭配in the courseof,意为“在……过程中”,都不能表达出“没有工作”的状态,所以C、D项排除。

14. A. disturb 打扰

B. restore 恢复

C. exclude 排除

D. yield 产生






15. A. model 模型

B. practice 实践

C. virtue 美德;优点

D. hardship 困境




1)空格要填入的是句子的主语,句意为:今天,工作的______可能有些被夸大了。根据下一句中列举的工作的各种缺点(boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential),可以推断出空格处要填入“缺点”的反义词,形成逻辑上的对立关系,来表达“工作的优点被夸大了,工作还是有很多缺点的”这一含义。对比四个选项可知,C项virtue“美德;优点”符合题意,是正确答案。



16. A. tricky 狡猾的

B. lengthy 冗长的

C. mysterious 神秘的

D. scarce 缺乏的




1)观察四个选项可以发现,B、D项互为反义词,所以推测正确答案可能从这两项里产生。空格处要填入可以描述time的形容词,同时根据下一句中达纳赫说的话When I come home from a hard day's work,可以推断出,大多数人每天的工作时间都很长,休闲时间相对少。D项scarce“缺乏的”符合上下文语意,是正确答案。



17. A. demands 要求

B. standards 标准

C. qualitie 品质

D. threats 威胁




1)空格处要填入的是counter balance的宾语,句意为:人们利用业余时间来平衡自己工作知识和情感上的______。由前半句可知,人们每天的工作时间很长,要运用很多知识,情感没有时间宣泄,就需要自由时间来平衡。分析四个选项可知,A项demands“要求”符合文意,是正确答案。


18. A. ignored 被忽视的

B. tired 疲倦的

C. confused 困惑的

D. starved 饥饿的







19. A. off

B. against

C. behind

D. into




1)根据题干信息,空格处要填入介词与throw搭配成动词短语,充当谓语动词。本句宾语是a hobby or a passion project,主语是上一句的达纳赫。分析选项后,throw into符合语境要求,所以D项为正确答案。throw oneself into是固定搭配,意为“投身于”,如:Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research. 尽管困难重重,他还是全心投入了这项调查研究。


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