2020考研英语完形填空精讲精练 第8集(3)

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09

For these  9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule  10 .Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to  11  my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and  12  any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I needto  13  my training program.

I use my bimonthly weigh-in  14  to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly  15  and dropping weight, this is a  16  that I need to increase my daily caloric in take.

The  17  to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness an dwell-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a  18  morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals,  19 , I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale.

Rather than  20  over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel, how your clothes fit and your over all energy level.

1. A. Therefore

B. Otherwise

C. However

D. Besides

2. A. cares

B. warns

C. reduces

D. helps

3. A. solely

B. occasionally

C. formally

D. initially

4. A. lowering

B. explaining

C. accepting

D. recording

5. A. set

B. review

C. reach

D. modify

6. A. depiction

B. distribution

C. prediction

D. definition

7. A. regardless of

B. aside from

C. along with

D. due to

8. A. rigid

B. precise

C. immediate

D. orderly

9. A. judgments

B. reasons

C. methods

D. claims

10. A. though

B. again

C. indeed

D. instead

11. A. track

B. overlook

C. conceal

D. report

12. A. approve of

B. hold onto

C. account for

D. depend on

13. A. share

B. adjust

C. confirm

D. prepare

14. A. features

B. rules

C. tests

D. results

15. A. anxious

B. hungry

C. sick

D. bored

16. A. secret

B. belief

C. sign

D. principle

17. A. necessity

B. decision

C. wish

D. request

18. A. surprising

B. restricting

C. consuming

D. disappointing

19. A. because

B. unless

C. until

D. if

20. A. dominating

B. puzzling

C. triumphing

D. obsessing






1. A. Therefore 因此

B. Otherwise 否则

C. However 然而

D. Besides 此外,而且




1)首段先扬后抑,首句指出:定期称体重是一个关注体重明显波动的绝佳方法。空格所在句指出:______当体重称得过于频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害……前文wonderful way(绝佳方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故C选项However(然而)为正确答案。however也是考研完形填空中的高频词。


2. A. cares 在乎;关心

B. warns 警告

C. reduces 减少

D. helps 帮助,有好处




1)空格所在句指出:this habit can sometimes hurt more than it_____(这种习惯的坏处有时要比_____多),由more than可判断空格处的词与前文hurt(损害)形成反义复现,四个选项中只有helps(帮助,有好处)与hurt形成反义词,故本题答案为选项D。


3. A. solely 仅仅

B. occasionally 偶尔

C. formally 正式地

D. initially 最初



[解题思路]空格所在句意为:“就我而言,每天称体重使我将关注点从身体总体健康、精力旺盛这方面转移到_____关注体重秤上的数字。”四个选项中只有solely(仅仅)填入空格后语意通顺。而且本句focusing solely onthe scale中的solely(仅仅)与本段后文thinking only of_____the number onthe scale中的only形成了同义复现,故本题正确答案为solely。

4. A. lowering 降低

B. explaining 解释

C. accepting 接受

D. recording 记录




5. A. set 设定

B. review 评论,评价

C. reach 达到,完成

D. modify 修改






6. A. depiction 描画,描述

B. distribution 分配;分布

C. prediction 预测,预言

D. definition 定义




7. A. regardless of 不顾,不管

B. aside from 除了……之外

C. along with 与……一起

D. dueto 由于




8. A. rigid 严格的;僵硬的

C. immediate 立即的,直接的

B. precise 精确的

D. orderly 有秩序的[试题考点]语意关系+形容词辨析[难度等级]★





9. A. judgments 判断

B. reasons 原因,理由

C. methods 方式,方法

D. claims 声称,宣称




10. A. though 虽然,尽管

B. again 再,又

C. indeed 的确,真正地

D. instead 反而,相反






11. A. track 跟踪,追踪

B. overlook 忽视,忽略

C. conceal 隐藏

D. report 报告




12. A. approve of 赞成

B. hold on to 紧紧抓住,保持住

C. account for 说明……的原因;(比例)占

D. depend on 依靠,依赖



[解题思路]将四个选项分别代入原文可知,account for符合上下文语境,即“每隔一周称重一次,让我能够观察体重的任何明显变化,并找到其原因”,故本题应选accountfor。

13. A. share 分享

B. adjust 调整,改变

C. confirm 确认,肯定

D. prepare 准备






14. A. features 特点,特征

B. rules 规则

C. tests 测验

D. results 结果



[解题思路]空格前面说I use my bimonthly weigh-in______(我用半月一次的称重______),空格后面说get information about my nutrition(了解我的营养摄取情况),四个选项中只有results(结果)符合语境,即“我还会用半月一次的称重结果来了解我的营养摄取情况”,故本题应选D。

15. A. anxious 焦虑的,焦急的

B. hungry 饥饿的

C. sick 生病的

D. bored 无聊的



[解题思路]空格处提到:If...I am constantly_____and dropping weight, this is a_____that I need to increase my daily caloric intake(如果我总是_____以及体重下降,那么这是一个_____我需要增加每日卡路里的摄入量),根据条件状语从句和主句的条件与结果的逻辑关系,空格处填入hungry(饥饿的)符合语意要求。

16. A. secret 秘密

B. belief 信念,信仰

C. sign 迹象,信号

D. principle 原则,原理




17. A. necessity 必要性;必需品

B. decision 决定

C. wish 希望,愿望

D. request 要求




18. A. surprising 令人惊讶的

B. restricting 限制的

C. consuming 消耗的

D. disappointing 令人失望的



[解题思路]由句中的I'm experiencing in creased zeal for working out(我对健身的热情越来越高),可以推测其原因为,“因为我不再因每天早上令人沮丧的称重而感到有负担”,四个选项中disappointing符合语境,故本题选D。

19. A. because 因为

B. unless 除非,如果不

C. until 直到

D. if 如果



[解题思路]根据选项特征看出本题考查句内逻辑关系。前半句话I've also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals(在实现具体健身目标方面,我也取得了更大的成功)和后半句I'm training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale(我的训练是按照那些目标来进行的,而不是依据体重秤上的数字来做的)应为因果关系,所以正确选项为because。此外,本句话中的also表明与前一句话之间的关系,前一句话中的since也表示因果关系。

20. A. dominating 支配,主宰

B. puzzling 使困惑

C. triumphing 战胜,获胜

D. obsessing 痴迷于;因……而烦扰













Cloze 1

Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England. In fact, the British Isles  1  a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. The others  2  to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish,  3  the case may be;they are often slightly annoyed at being  4  as“English”.

Even in England there are many  5  in regional character and speech. The chief  6  is between southern England and northern England. South of a  7  going from Bristol to London, people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students, though there are local  8  .

Further north, regional speech is usually“  9  ”than that of southern Britain. Northerners are  10  to claim that they work harder than Southerners, and are more  11  . They are openhearted and hospitable;foreigners often find that they make friends with them  12  . Northerners generally have hearty  13  :the visitor to Lancashire or Yorkshire, for instance, may look forward to receiving generous  14  at meal times.

In accent and character the people of the Midlands  15  a gradual change from the southern to the northern type of Englishman.

In Scotland the sound  16  by the letter“R”is generally a strong sound, and“R”is often pronounced in words in which it would be  17  in southern English. The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious, thrifty people,  18  inventive and somewhat mystical. All the Celtic peoples of Britain(the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots)are frequently  19  as being more“fiery”than the English. They are of a race that is quite  20  from the English.

1. A. include

B. exclude

C. enclose

D. contain

2. A. confine

B. attach

C. refer

D. add

3. A. as

B. which

C. for

D. so

4. A. divide

B. sorted

C. classified

D. separated

5. A. similarities

B. differences

C. certainties

D. features

6. A. factor

B. virtue

C. privilege

D. division

7. A. line

B. row

C. border

D. scale

8. A. unifications

B. standardizations

C. variations

D. transformations

9. A. wider

B. broader

C. rarer

D. scarcer

10. A. used

B. apt

C. possible

D. probable

11. A. perfect

B. notorious

C. superior

D. thorough

12. A. swiftly

B. promptly

C. quickly

D. immediately

13. A. appetites

B. tastes

C. interests

D. senses

14. A. fillings

B. offerings

C. helpings

D. findings

15. A. represent

B. designate

C. demonstrate

D. reckon

16. A. delivered

B. denoted

C. depicted

D. defined

17. A. quiet

B. obscure

C. faint

D. silent

18. A. rather

B. still

C. somehow

D. even

19. A. rendered

B. thought

C. impressed

D. described


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