本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-17
English’s inherent linguistic properties and the dominating status of Britain and America in the business world.
secondary school students in European Union ’s non-English-speaking countries study English.
80.The factors related to the rising status of English in Europe.(本文分析的就是英语在欧洲使用得越来越多的原因。)
Part IV. Writing [60 minutes, 30 points]
Directions: Based on the information given below, please write an essay of about 400 words on the Answer Sheet. You have 60 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.
The eighteenth-century British thinker Edmund Burke made the following observation about the benefits of opposition: “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.”
In your view, to what extent can we benefit from opposition to our ideas, opinions or desires. Write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Burke’s statement about the benefits of opposition. You should present your argument with reasons and examples.
Marks will be awarded both for your linguistic knowledge (i.e., grammar, vocabulary and organization) and for your ability to achieve the communicative purpose.
People have long been aware of the benefits of opposition. As early as the 18th century, British thinker Edmund Burke put forward a well-known saying “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper”, which has inspired millions of people. Contrary to the traditional belief that values the great significance of support and encouragement, Burke laid emphasis on the merits of opposition, arguing that it was our adversary, who opposed our ideas, opinions, or desires, that made us a better and stronger person. I’m in favor of his view.
Opposition to one’s view helps two parties to make a more reasonable decision. For example, there have always been constant voices in the United States declaring that the President should not be able to be reelected and each presidency should be 6 years. They argue that this is an effective design to protect president from political competition and abandon his desire to be reelected, so that he can concentrate on administrative affairs and impartially implement policies that are beneficial to the multitude. However, this suggestion was turned down by the founding fathers of the States, because, as Washington put it, that also means the president is immune to public supervision. A government without control and opposition cannot function well. Thanks to the wise decisions of the founding fathers, the president of America is always motivated to do a good job and bring benefits to American people.
Opposition to one’s desire motivates him to work harder in order to achieve his goal. It is common for winners in competitions to acknowledge their opponents. That’s because opponents are the obstacles in their path to championship. In order to defeat the opponents, they prepare for competitions with more practice and keep alert while competing. Therefore, opponents can help to strengthen one’s will and determination to succeed. Microsoft’s development is also an instance. Years ago, Microsoft dominated the IT industry to such an extent that organizations like the Europe Union had to resort to antimonopoly law to prevent it from expanding. However, when reviewing the market now, we are glad to see that great changes have taken place. With the revival of Apple and the advent of burgeoning companies like Google and Facebook, the industry is no longer what it was years ago. It has become diversified and competitive, full of vigor and vitality. And Microsoft, faced with the intense competition, has now embarked on a new round of innovation and grown into a software empire more dynamic than it ever was.
Therefore, when encountering all forms of opposition in daily life, we should be positive and rational, for it is an indispensable part of our life. More importantly, not only does opposition improve and develop ourselves as an individual, but also makes the world as a whole more harmonious and vigorous.
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