2020考研英语完形填空精讲精练 第10集

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09

Cloze 13

Last year, France recorded just 31 cases of the mad cow disease. The rising numbers this year are in part  1  a new testing program that focuses on cows that are most  2 . That program has  3  39 cases. But still 60 new cases were identified in the  4  way, far more than were found in 1999.Many scientists had  5  that this year, five years after safety precautions were put in  6 , the number of cases would be  7 .

The rise in cases has  8  some scientists to question whether the disease can be transmitted in ways not yet understood. Scientists are still puzzled by the disease, first  9  in cows in 1986.

It appears that it is not caused by a bacteria, virus or fungus, but  10  infectious particles called prisons, perhaps  11  a virus or other agent. The disease kills cells in the brain,  12  it spongy and full of holes.

France has taken more steps to  13  safety than most European countries,  14  refusing to take English beef in  15  of the European Union. But some scientists believe that France has not been  16  in imposing the ban on feed that  17  animal parts.

Some French officials hope that the sudden interest in mad cow disease will mean that French consumers will become educated about it, thereby recognizing that French beef is actually  18  controlled. Every cow is given a pass port at birth, and extensive information about its parentage and  19  it was raised must be  20  to any slaughterhouse. When a diseased animal is found, the entire herd is destroyed.

1. A. as to

B. because

C. since

D. due to

2. A. at risk

B. at peace

C. at hand

D. at times

3. A. disclosed

B. invented

C. discovered

D. identified

4. A. common

B. average

C. conventional

D. universal

5. A. urged

B. intended

C. promised

D. expected

6. A. effect

B. access

C. place

D. force

7. A. declining

B. inclining

C. increasing

D. reclaiming

8. A. attempted

B. prompted

C. lured

D. welcomed

9. A. emphasized

B. modified

C. recognized

D. maintained

10. A. stems from

B. develops in

C. grows out of

D. generates from

11. A. by means of

B. in terms of

C. with regard to

D. in concert with

12. A. bringing

B. leaving

C. leading

D. causing

13. A. assure

B. ensure

C. confide

D. swear

14. A. excepting

B. excluding

C. including

D. enclosing

15. A. possession

B. defiance

C. charge

D. support

16. A. affective

B. efficient

C. effective

D. affect

17. A. contains

B. presents

C. destroys

D. removes

18. A. vigorously

B. rigidly

C. fiercely

D. roughly

19. A. where

B. how

C. when

D. why

20. A. subjected

B. registered

C. adjusted

D. submitted



1. D. due to

此题属于语法题。due to相当于介词,意为“由于”。此处需要一个介词与a new test program连用,表示原因,故选项D. due to正确。选项A. as to意为“关于,至于”,语意不通;选项B和C表原因时一般连接从句。

2. A. at risk此题属于语意搭配题。at risk意为“处境危险”,如:The economy will fall further, putting more jobs at risk.(经济将进一步滑坡,使更多的人遭受失业的危险。)原文意为:一种新测试系统集中测试那些处境危险的奶牛,故选项A. at risk正确。选项B. at peace意为“处于和平状态”;选项C. at hand意为“在附近,在手边”;选项D. at times意为“有时”。

3. D. identified此题属于语意搭配题。identify意为“确认身份,鉴定”。原文意为:通过测试确认了39例疯牛病,下一句也复现了identify一词,故选项D. identified正确。选项A. disclosed意为“揭示”,指把原来隐藏的东西展示出来使人可以看见。如:The police refused to disclose the clues they were working on. 选项B. invented意为“发明”;选项C. discovered意为“发现”。

4. C. conventional此题属于近义词辨析题。选项A. common表示“常见的,普通的”,有时引申为“平凡的”,强调事物的共同性。如:Car accidents are a common occurrence. 选项B. average表示“普通的,一般的”,它强调的是一般水准或普通水准;通常在有数字出现的情况下,表示“平均的”。如:The average runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. 选项D. universal表示“普遍的”。如:Poverty is a universal problem all over the world. 选项C. conventional表示“常规的,传统的”。此处是针对前文提到的“一种新的测试系统”,所以应该与new相对,故选项C. conventional为正确选项。

5. D. expected此题属于语意搭配题。选项D. expected表示“预期,预测”。如:The work is making as much progress as can fairly be expected. 根据文中意思,许多科学家曾预测过,预防措施……,故选项D. expected正确。选项A. urged表示“敦促;推进”;选项B. intended表示“想要,打算”;选项C. promised表示“承诺”。

6. C. place此题属于词义辨析题。由上下文可知,文中要表达“安全措施到位”的意思,be put in place表示“到位”,故选项C. place正确。选项A. effect,常与take连用,take effect表示“生效,起作用”;选项B. access表示“通道;获取”。如:So how do you access it?选项D. force可以与come into连用,表达“生效,开始实施”。如:An agreement with the European Union has just come into force.

7. A. declining此题属于语意搭配题。decline意为“下降,减少;衰落”。如:His influence has begun to decline now that he is old. 根据上文谈到的条件,预防措施到位,疯牛病的发病案例数自然会下降,因此选项A. declining正确。选项B. inclining意为“倾斜;倾向于”;选项C. increasing意为“增加”,与题意相反;选项D. reclaiming意为“纠正;回收”。如:reclaim former criminals(感化过去的罪犯)。

8. B. prompted此题属于语意搭配题。prompt意为“促使,鼓励”。如:What prompted you to do such a thing?原句是指病例的增加促使科学家提出疑问。故选项B. prompted正确。选项A. attempted意为“企图,打算”。如:He attempted to speak but was told to be quiet. 选项C. lured意为“引诱”,以强有力的方式吸引或诱骗他人,含有对其不利之意;选项D. welcomed意为“欢迎”。

9. C. recognized此题属于语意搭配题。recognize表示“认出,识别”。文中表达的意思是,疯牛病在1986年首次被发现。可知选项C. recognized正确。选项A. emphasized表示“强调,着重”。如:I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl. 选项B. modified表示“修改,改进”。如:Generally, it should not be modified by the author. 选项D. maintained表示“维持;主张”。

10. A. stems from此题属于语意搭配题。stemfrom=tohave as origin,意为“产生于,根源是”。如:Her interest in flowers stems from her childhood in the country. 原句提及疯牛病不是由细菌、病毒或真菌引起的,而是一种被称为朊病毒的传染性微粒引起的,这是其根源所在,故选项A. stems from正确。选项B. develops in意为“在……里发展”,与句意不符;选项C. grows out of=develops as a result of,意为“由……产生”。如:Her sympathy grew out of understanding. 选项D. generates from=causes to exist意为“产生于”,用在此处均与语境不太贴合,不够准确。

11. D. in concert with此题属于语意搭配题。in concert=in agreement,意为“一致,共同”,如:The various government decided to act in concert over this matter.(各国政府决定对此事采取一致的行动。)根据原文的句子结构,此处缺一个介词短语连接prisons和a virus or other agent, 故选项D. in concert with(与……一致)正确。选项A. by means of意为“凭借,通过”;选项B. in terms of意为“根据;就……而言”;选项C. with regard to意为“至于;就……而言”。

12. B. leaving此题属于语意搭配题。根据本句结构,此处应选用一个现在分词,构成分词短语表示使大脑处于一种什么样的状态。leave可表示“使……处于”,因此只有选项B. leaving能确切地表达“使大脑呈海绵状且充满小孔”。

13. B. ensure此题属于语意搭配题。选项A. assure表示“使(某人)确信或放心”。如:He assured me that he was able to do that. 选项B. ensure表示“保证,确保”。如:I am sorry I cannot ensure you a good post. 选项C. confide表示“吐露”。如:She has confided the truth to her parents. 选项D. swear表示“发誓,宣誓”。文中意思为,法国采取了更多的措施来确保安全,可见选项B. ensure符合文意,是正确答案。

14. C. including此题属于语意搭配题。include=have as a part,意为“包括”。根据上下文的意思,法国采取了更多措施来确保安全,下文谈及拒绝进口英国牛肉,很显然后者是众多措施中的一条,故选项C. including正确。选项A. excepting意为“除外,不包括”,选项B. excluding意为“不包括”,两项均与句意相反;选项D. enclosing意为“围绕;(随函)封入,附寄”。

15. B. defiance此题属于语意搭配题。选项B.(in)defiance(of)意为“无视;公然违抗”。如:In defiance of the law you drove your car much too fast. 根据原文,此处指法国无视欧盟规定,拒绝进口英国牛肉,故选项B.(in)defiance(of)正确。选项A.(in)possession(of)意为“拥有,持有”;选项C.(in)charge(of)意为“指控”;选项D.(in)support(of)意为“支持”。

16. C. effective此题属于形近词辨析题。effective意为“有效果的”,此处指法国强制推行的安全措施并没有效果,故选项C. effective正确。选项A. affective意为“盛情的;表达感情的”;选项B. efficient意为“有效率的”;选项D. affect意为“影响;假装”。

17. A. contains此题属于语意搭配题。contain意为“包含”。此处应选一个动词与定语从句中的宾语animal parts搭配,该定语从句所修饰的先行词是feed(饲料),结合文意可知选项A. contains正确,意指含有动物成分的饲料。选项B. presents意为“赠送”;选项C. destroys意为“破坏”;选项D. removes意为“消除;移动”。

18. B. rigidly此题属于语意搭配题。rigidly为副词,意为“严格地”。根据上下文,法国消费者开始了解疯牛病,这样就可以认识到法国牛肉受到了严格的控制,可以放心食用,故用选项B. rigidly来修饰control(控制)。选项A. vigorously“精力充沛地”、选项C. fiercely“猛烈地”和选项D. roughly“粗糙地”均不符合本处语境。

19. A. where此题属于语篇衔接题。分析句子结构,it was raised前缺连词,前面提到每头牛都要有出生证明,提供其父辈血统,结合选项可知此处应填入与地点有关的词表产地,故选项A. where正确。

20. D. submitted此题属于语意搭配题。submit=offer for consideration,意为“提交”。如:submit a new plan。根据原句意思,牛的相关资料(出生证明、血统、饲养地)都必须提交给屠宰场,故选项D. submitted符合题意。选项A. subjected(to)意为“使经历;使顺从”。如:They were subjected to great suffering. 选项B. registered意为“登记”;选项C. adjusted(to)意为“适应;校准”。







Cloze 14

When a country is under-populated, new comers are not competitors, but assistants. If more come they may produce not only new quotas, but a  1  as well. In such a state of things land is  2  and cheap. The possession of it  3  no power or  4 . No one will work for another for wages when he can take up new land and be his own master. Hence it will pay no one to own more land than he can  5  by his own labor, or with such aid as his own family  6 . Hence, again, land  7  little or no rent;there will be no landlords living on rent and no laborers living on  8 , but only a middle class of yeoman farmers. All are  9  on an equality, and democracy becomes the political form, because this is the only state of society in which equality, on which democracy is  10 , is realized as a fact. The same effects are powerfully  11  by other facts. In a new and under-populated country the industries which are most profitable are the extractive industries. The  12  of these, with the  13  of some kinds of mining, is that they call for only a low organization of labor and small amount of capital. Hence they allow the work man to become  14  his own master, and they educate him in freedom, independence, and self  15 . At the same time, the social groups being only  16  marked off from each other, it is easy to  17  from one class of occupations, and consequently from one social grade, to another. Finally, under the same circumstances, education, skill, and superior training have but inferior value compared with what they have in  18  populated countries. The  19  lie in an under-populated country, with the  20 , unskilled, manual occupations, and not with the highest developments of science, literature, and art.

1. A. surplus

B. plus

C. remains

D. remainder

2. A. scarce

B. sacred

C. abundant

D. extractive

3. A. infers

B. defers

C. confers

D. refers

4. A. priority

B. privilege

C. right

D. liberty

5. A. cultivate

B. culminate

C. calculate

D. conceive

6. A. requests

B. deploys

C. implies

D. supplies

7. A. fosters

B. promotes

C. bears

D. contributes

8. A. rewards

B. salaries

C. awards

D. wages

9. A. intentionally

B. potentially

C. substantially

D. consistently

10. A. fertilized

B. based

C. drawn

D. guaranteed

11. A. influenced

B. checked

C. reshaped

D. reinforced

12. A. feature

B. essence

C. characteristic

D. fundamental

13. A. exclusion

B. specialness

C. inclusion

D. exception

14. A. speedily

B. merrily

C. unfortunately

D. amusingly

15. A. autonomy

B. regulation

C. independence

D. reliance

16. A. obviously

B. vaguely

C. positively

D. apparently

17. A. transfer

B. transform

C. transmit

D. transport

18. A. sporadically

B. densely

C. loosely

D. neatly

19. A. advantages

B. disadvantages

C. gains

D. deficits

20. A. flexible

B. coarse

C. presentable

D. masculine



1. A. surplus

此题属于语意搭配题。surplus意为“剩余,盈余”。如:Every country has a pool of surplus labour. 根据原句意思:移民不仅可以生产出新的配额,也会有盈余,选项A. surplus符合题意。选项B. plus意为“加;优势”。如:Your teaching experience will be a plus in this job. 选项C. remains意为“剩余物,残余”。如:The remains of lunch were still on the table. 选项D. remainder意为“残余物;余数;其余的人”。如:They ate most of the food and gave the remainder to the dog.

2. C. abundant

此题属于语意搭配题。abundant意为“充足的”。根据上下文,在人口密度小的国家里,土地是充足的,与后面的cheap相呼应,故选项C. abundant符合题意。选项A. scarce意为“稀少的”,指有用而不够的事物;选项B. sacred意为“神圣的”;选项D. extractive意为“萃取的,榨取的”。

3. C. confers

此题属于形近词辨析题。confer意为“颁布,授予”,常与on连用;而confer with(sb.)意为“商谈”,如:The honor was conferred on him just after the war. 根据原句意思:土地的占有权并不能授予土地的主人权力和特权,故选项C. confers符合题意。选项A. infers意为“推论,判断为”。如:Although she agreed with me I inferred from her expression that she was reluctant. 选项B. defers意为“延期;让步”。如:Can we defer making a decision until next week?又如:I have to defer to my boss on important decisions. 选项D. refers意为“谈到,涉及;参考”。如:The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.

4. B. privilege

此题属于语意搭配题。由or一词可知需要填一个与power词义相近的词,表示土地的占有权并不能授予土地的主人权力和特权。选项A. priority意为“优先权”。如:Client with high priority will be routed to the second service endpoint. 选项B. privilege表示“特权”,比priority的范围更广,同时与power词义相近,故选项B. privilege为正确答案。选项C. right表示“权利”,没有说明土地占有带来的变化;选项D. liberty意为“自由”。

5. A. cultivate

此题属于语意搭配题。cultivate意为“耕作”。此处需要填入一个动词与名词land搭配,故选项A.cultivate符合题意。选项B. culminate(in)意为“达到最高点;最后终于变成”。如:Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease. 选项C. calculate意为“计算”。如:The cost of the damage has been calculated as/at over $2 million. 选项D. conceive(of/that/how)意为“想象”。如:I can't conceive how anyone could behave so cruelly.


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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 2019年考研《英语二》完形填空答案(文都版)
      SectionⅠ Use of English  【完型填空答案】  1. [D] However  2. [A] helps  3. [B] solely  4. [B] lowering  5. [D] reach  6. [B] depiction  7. [A] due to  8. [D] immediate  9. [C] reasons  10. [A] instead  11. [A] track  12. [D] account for  13. [B] adjust  14. [A] re ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 2019考研《英语二》完形填空真题及答案(跨考版)
      Section I Use of English  Directions:  Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)  Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 2019年考研《英语二》完形填空答案(海文版)
      Section I Use of English  1、【答案】[C] However  【解析】此处考察逻辑关系。首段提出文章中心:定期称量自己是一种解任何显著的的体重波动的好方法。空格所在句指出:____,如果太频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害。前文wonderful way(好方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故填入however(然而)。另外,howeve ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 考试吧:2019年考研《英语二》完形填空答案
      Section I Use of English  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on the ANSWER SHET(10 points)  参考答案:  1. C However  2. D helps  3. A solely  4. A. Lowering  5. C. reach  6. A. Depiction  7. D. due to  8. C. Immedia ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31
  • 万题库版:2019考研《英语二》完形填空真题及答案解析
      Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. ______(1), when done ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-31