本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-17
of从 ……方面,以……角度。by meansof以 ……方式。by virtue of凭借;依靠;由于。in quest of为了探索 ……。
27.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _____ to its burning temperature.
A. is heated
B. be heated
C. will be heated
D. would be heated【答案】B【解析】句意:燃烧的条件之一是物质被加热到燃点。表示建议、命令、意愿和要
28.So confused _____ that he didn’t know how to start his lecture.
A. since he became
B. would he become
C. that he became
D. did he become【答案】D【解析】句意:他如此困惑,以至于不知如何开始自己的讲座。so …that引导结果
状语从句,so如果置于句首,则主句中的主谓语需要倒装,that从句不用倒装。本句可还原为:He became soconfused that...。
29.This book will show the readers _____ can be used in other contexts.
A. that how they have observed
B. that they have observed
C. how that they have observed
D. how what they have observed【答案】D【解析】句意:这本书将向读者展示他们所观察到的东西怎样被用到其他情境当中。
这里how引导的是宾语从句,在从句中what they have observed是主语,what在引导的主语从句中作宾语。that在名词性从句中不做成分,故排除,故选C。
30.The boy students in this school are nearly _____ as the girl students to say they intend to get a college degree in business.
A. as likely twice
B. as twice likely
C. twice as likely
D. likely as twice
Part II. Reading Comprehension [40 points; 60 minutes]
Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions [20 points; 30 minutes]
Directions: In this section there are two reading passages, with each passage followed by FIVE multiple-choice questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best answers the question or completes the statement. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
Passage ONE
Pardon me: how are your manners?
The decline of civility and good manners may be worrying people more than crime, according to Gentility Recalled, edited by Digby Anderson, which laments the breakdown of traditional codes that once regulated social conduct. It criticizes the fact that “manners” are scorned as repressive and outdated.
The result, according to Mr. Anderson—director of the Social Affairs Unit, an independent think-tank—is a society characterized by rudeness: loutish behavior on the streets, jostling ‘in crowds, impolite shop assistants and bad-tempered drivers.
Mr. Anderson says the cumulative effect of these—apparently trivial, but often offensive—is to make everyday life uneasy, unpredictable and unpleasant. As they are encountered far more often than crime, they can cause more anxiety than crime.
When people lament the disintegration of law and order, he argues, what they generally mean is order, as manifested by courteous forms of social contact. Meanwhile, attempts to reestablish restraint and self-control through “politically correct” rules are artificial.
The book has contributions from 12 academics in disciplines ranging from medicine to sociology and charts what it calls the “coarsening” of Britain. Old-fashioned terms such as “gentleman” and “lady” have lost all meaningful resonance and need to be re-evaluated, it says.
Rachel Trickett, honorary fellow and former principal of St Hugh’s College, Oxford, says that the notion of a “lady” protects women rather than demeaning them. Feminism and demands for equality have blurred the distinctions between the sexes, creating situations where men are able to dominate women because of their more aggressive and forceful natures, she says. “Women, without some code of deference or respect, become increasingly victims.”
Caroline Moore, the first woman fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, points out that “gentleman” is now used only with irony or derision. “The popular view of a gentleman is poised somewhere between the imbecile parasite and the villainous one: between Woosteresque chinless wonders, and those heartless capitalist toffs who are ... the stock-in-trade of television.” She argues that the concept is neither class-bound nor rigid; conventions of gentlemanly behavior enable a man to act naturally as an individual within shared assumptions while taking his place in society. “Politeness is no constraint, precisely because the manners ... are no ‘code’ but a language, rich, flexible, restrained and infinitely subtle.”
For Anthony O’Hear, professor of philosophy at the University of Bradford, manners are closely associated with the different forms of behavior appropriate to age and status. They curb both the impetuosity of the youth and the bitterness of old age. Egalitarianism, he says, has led to people failing to act their age. “We have vice-chancellors with earrings, aristocrats as hippies ..., the trendy vicar on his motorbike.”
Dr. Athena Leoussi, sociology lecturer at Reading University, bemoans the deliberate neglect by people of their sartorial appearance. Dr.ess, she says, is the outward expression of attitudes and aspirations. The ubiquitousness of jeans “displays a utilitarian attitude” that has “led to the cultural impoverishment of everyday life.”
Dr. Leoussi says that while clothes used to be seen as a means of concealing taboo forces of sexuality and violence, certain fashions—such as leather jackets have the opposite effect.
Dr. Bruce Charlton, a lecturer in public health medicine in Newcastle upon Tyne, takes issue with the excessive informality of relations between professionals such as doctors and bank managers, and their clients. He says this has eroded the distance and respect necessary in such relationships.
Tristam Engelhardt, professor of medicine in Houston, Texas, says manners are bound to morals. “Manners express a particular set of values,” he says, “Good manners interpret and transform social reality. They provide social orientation.”
According to the passage, the decline of good manners is more worrying because _____.
A. it leads to more crime in society
B. it can seriously affect our daily life
C. people view manners as old-fashioned
D. rudeness on the street cannot be stemmed out
Trickett seems to indicate the term “lady” _____.
A. is preferred by feminists
B. is too old-fashioned to use
C. has acquired a different meaning
D. victimizes women in society
According to Caroline Moore, the media has projected a _____ image of the gentleman.
A. favorable
B. humorous
C. negative
D. traditional
Anthony O ’Hear’s view, a well-mannered person _____.
A. acts rashly when he is young
B. attaches importance to his status
C. behaves with a sense of appropriacy
D. tends to be bad-tempered in old age
35. Dr. Bruce Charlton would probably prefer to see a more formal relationship _____.
A. among doctors
B. among managers
C. between doctors and managers
D. between doctors and patients
C由第五段最后一句Old-fashioned terms such as “gentleman” and “lady”have lost all meaningful resonance and need to be re-evaluated可知,旧词汇lady失去了原有的意味,需要重新审视其意思。说明lady的意思有所变化。gentleman和lady虽然old fashioned,但并不等于不能再使用,故排除B。C项内容文中未提及。D与第六段第一句意思相反。
C由第七段此句”gentleman” is now used only with irony orderision可知,gentleman一词如今含有讽刺和嘲笑的意味。
C由第八段首句For Anthony O ’Hear, professor of philosophy at the University of Bradford, manners are closely associated with the differentforms of behavior appropriate to age and status.可知,O ’Hear认为一个文明人的行为要与其年龄、地位相符。可以判断选项C正确。
D在倒数第二段有Dr. Bruce Charlton的观点,他在文章中论述了the excessive informality of relations between professionals such as doctors andbank managers, and their clients,即一些职业人员与他们的clients的关系过于随便,其中提到了医生。医生的clients是病人,所以该题答案是D。
Passage TWO
WHY SHOULD anyone buy the latest volume in the ever-expanding Dictionary of National Biography? I do not mean that it is bad, as the reviewers will agree. But it will cost you 65 pounds. And have you got the rest of volumes? You need the basic 22 plus the largely decennial supplements to bring the total to 31. Of course, it will be answered, public and academic libraries will want the new volume. After all, it adds 1,068 lives of people who escaped the net of the original compilers. Yet in 10 years’ time a revised version of the whole caboodle, called the New Dictionary of National Biography, will be published. Its editor, Professor Colin Matthew, tells me that he will have room for about 50,000 lives, some 13,000 more than in the current DNB. This rather puts the 1,068 in Missing Persons in the shade.
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