
本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-17

As a result of such contradictory evidence, it is uncertain whether those suffering seriously as a result of labor market problems number in the hundreds of thousands or the tens of millions, and, hence," whether high levels of joblessness can be tolerated or must be countered by job creation and economic stimulus. There is only one area of agreement in this debate—that the existing poverty, employment, and earnings statistics are inadequate for one of their primacy applications, measuring the consequences of labor market problem.
does "labor market problem" refer to in the whole passage?

does the author contrasts the 1930s with the present?

’s the author’s purpose in citing "Low wages and repeated unemployment..."(para. 2, lines 3-5)?

According to the passage, who could NOT benefit from income transfers, a social program?

is the main topic of the passage?

41.Unemployment, poverty and earning.
present unemployment problem is not as serious as that in the 1930s.


statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship.

44.Those doing a low-paid, part-time job.
(由第二段最后一句there is another working part-time because of the inability to find full-time work, or else outside the labor force but wanting a job. Finally, income transfers in our country have always focused on theelderly, disabled, and dependent可知,那些低收入和兼职工作的人不会受收入转移的影响。)
45.How social statistics give an unclear picture of the degree of hardship caused by low wages and insufficient employment opportunities.
Passage FOUR
So what have they taught you at college about interviews? Some courses go to town on ,it, others do very little. You may get conflicting advice. Only one thing is certain: the key to success is preparation.
There follow some useful suggestions from a teacher training course coordinator, a head of department and a head teacher. As they appear to be in complete harmony with one another despite never having met, we may take their advice seriously.
Oxford Brookes University’s approach to the business of application and interview focuses on research and rehearsal. Training course coordinator Brenda Stevens speaks of the value of getting students "to deconstruct the advertisement, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize each other’s." Finally, they role play interviewer and interviewee.
This is sterling stuff, and Brookes students spend a couple of weeks on it. ‘:The better prepared students won’t be thrown by nerves on the day," says Ms Stevens, "They’ll have their strategies and questions worked out." She also says "the better the student, the worse the interviewee." She believes the most capable students are less able to put themselves forward. Even if this were true, says Ms Stevens, you must still make your own case.
"Beware of infernality," she advises. One aspirant teacher, now a head of department at a smart secondary school, failed his first job interview because he took his jacket off while waiting for his appointment. It was hot and everyone in the staffroom was in shirtsleeves but at the end of the day they criticized his casual attitude, which they had deduced from the fact that he took his jacket off in the staffroom, even though he put it back on for the interview.
Incidentally, men really do have to wear a suit to the interview and women really cannot wear jeans, even if men never wear the suit again and women teach most days in jeans. Panels respond instantly to these indicators. But beware: it will not please them any better if you are too smart.
Find out about the people who will talk to you. In the early meetings they are likely to be heads of departments or heads of year. Often they may be concerned with pastoral matters. It makes sense to know their priorities and let them hear the things about you that they want to hear.
During preliminary meetings you may be seen in groups with two or three other applicants and you must demonstrate that you know your stuff without putting your companions down. The interviewers will be watching how you work with a team. But remember the warning about informality: however friendly and co-operative the other participants are, do not give way to the idea that you are there just to be friends.
Routine questions can be rehearsed, but "don’t go on too long," advises the department head. They may well ask: "What have been your worst/best moments when teaching?", or want you to "talk about some good teaching you have done." The experts agree you should recognize your weaknesses and offer a strategy for overcoming them, "I know I’ve got to work on classroom management—I would hope for some help," perhaps. No one expects a new teacher to know it all, but they hope for an objective appraisal of capabilities.
Be warned against inexpert questioning. You may be asked questions in such a way that’, it seems impossible to present your best features. Some questions may be plain Silly, asked perhaps by people on the panel who are from outside the situation. Do not be thrown, have ways of circumnavigating it, and never, ever let them see that you think they have said something foolish.
You will almost certainly be asked how you see the future and it is important to have a good answer prepared. Some people are put off by being asked what they expect to be doing in five or ten years’ time. On your preliminary visit, says the department head, be sure to give them a bit of an interview of your own, to see the direction the department is going and what you could contribute to it.
The headteacher offers his thoughts in a nine-point plan. Iron the application form! Then it stands out from everyone else’s, which have been folded and battered in the post. It gives an initial impression which may get your application to the top of the pile. Ensure that your application is tailored to the particular school. Make the head feel you are writing directly to him or her. Put yourself at ease before you meet the interviewing panel: if you are nervous, you will talk too quickly. Before you enter the room, remember that the people are human beings too; take away the mystique of their roles. Listen. There is a danger of not hearing accurately what is being said. Make eye contact with the speakers, and with everyone in the room. Allow your warmth and humanity to be seen. A sense of humor is very important. Have a portfolio of your work that can link theory to practice" Many schools want you to show work. For a primary appointment, give examples from the range of the curriculum, not just art. (For this reason, taking pictures on your teaching practice is important.) Prepare yourself in case you are asked to give a talk. Have prompt cards ready, and don’t waffle. Your speech must be clear and articulate, with correct grammar. This is important: they want to hear you and they want to hear how well you can communicate with children. Believe in yourself and have confidence. Some of the people asking the questions don’t know much about what you do. Be ready to help them.
Thus armed, you should have no difficulty at all. Good luck and keep your jacket on!
Ms. Brenda Stevens ’ view, what should applicants do before applying for a job?

should interviewees handle the relationship between other participants during an interview?

are applicants suggested to do during an interview with regards to their weaknesses?

is the best way for applicants to deal with odd questions from the interviewers?

50.What suggestions does the headteacher offer in order to succeed
in the interview?【答案与解析】
46.understand thoroughly the situations.
(由第三段第二句Training course coordinator Brenda Stevens speaks of the value of getting students, “to deconstruct the advertisement, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize each other’s.可知,Stevens认为面试前要彻底了解所处的场面。)
Interviewees should behave well in a team with formality and should not criticize other applicants.


48. Applicants should recognize their weaknesses and offer a strategy for overcoming them.

(由第九段第三句The experts agree you should recognize your weaknesses and offer astrategy for overcoming them可知,应聘者应该承认自己的缺点,并提出自己克服这些缺点的方法。)
49.Keep calm and try to be tactful in your answers.

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