2020考研英语语法新思维 第8集(4)

本站小编 免费考研网/2019-07-09

顺便说一下,St. Paul’s是指St. Paul’s Cathedral in London(伦敦圣保罗大教堂),比如:

The funeral has been held at St Paul’s Cathedral in London of the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.(英国前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔的葬礼在伦敦圣保罗大教堂举行。)

C. and at least some of its great traditions had been begun.

这里的its还是指代native literary drama。

最后还要注意这里at least的语义作用——是使得前面的论述不那么肯定(used to limit or make what you have just said less definite)。现在问题就是:C分句是针对A还是B来说的?我认为是针对B分句来说的,因为这里its traditions“传统”可以看作是从its alliance“联盟关系”发展过来的,即先有这些联盟关系,然后才慢慢发展成为一种优良传统。

精品译文 英国本土文学剧就此诞生,其与大众剧院的联盟关系也随之建立起来,至少,它的一些优良传统已经开始形成。











23 To realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have been lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose entire work has survived.(50题)

妙语点睛 首先,在不定式短语部分,to realize后接了how引导的宾语从句how great was the dramatic activity。该从句正常语序应该是how great the dramatic activity was,还原成简单句就是:The dramatic activity was great。顺便说一下这部分的翻译,这里的the dramatic activity与本文第一句Shakespeare’s lifetime was coincident with a period of extraordinary activity and achievement in the drama相呼应,表明英国当时戏剧繁荣发展。因此,这个how从句不宜译成“戏剧活动多么伟大”,而最好译成“戏剧发展多么繁荣”。这也可以从该段前面这些内容看出来:

The development of the Elizabethan drama for the next twenty-five years is of exceptional interest to students of literary history, for in this brief period we may trace the beginning, growth, blossoming, and decay of many kinds of plays, and of many great careers. We are amazed today at the mere number of plays produced, as well as by the number of dramatists writing at the same time for this London of two hundred thousand inhabitants.

其次,在remember后面接了两个that引导的宾语从句。还嵌套有定语从句whose entire work has survived,修饰author of note。其中of note的意思是“重要的,著名的”(of importance or of great interest),比如a scientist of note “著名的科学家”。

此外,还要注意这里的时态变化。本句主要采用过去时态(包括过去完成时态),来谈论英国当时的戏剧发展情况。比如该句中was谈论的就是当时的情况。除此之外,该句都采用了现在时态(包括现在完成时态),比如must remember、have been lost、there is、has survived等,这表明作者的时间视角已经转换到现在,是站在现在来回顾过去的戏剧发展历史。阅读时要注意这种时间上的转换,翻译时要注意措辞。

精品译文 要想真正明白英国当时戏剧发展的繁荣盛况,我们还须想到,许多戏剧现已失传,而且很可能也没有哪位戏剧名家的全部作品都保留至今。







“戏剧这一活动有多么伟大”不能准确传达原文含义。“可能……作者也已经不在了”属于误读原文whose entire work has survived。“已经不在了”不是指剧作家(本文谈到的是16世纪的剧作家,他们现如今自然是“已经不在了”,已无需赘言,还谈什么probably“很可能”?),而是指他们的作品。这里是说可能没有哪位名家剧作能够全部保留至今。换言之,作者认为,全部作品都保留至今的剧作名家可能没有,他们的作品只是部分地流传下来,其中有的作品可能已经失传。





12.13 2019年考研真题难句解析

12.13.1 阅读Part A第一篇中的难句

1 The main purpose of this “clawback” rule is to hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institutions.

妙语点睛 短语this “clawback” rule就是指上文的any guaranteed bonus of top executives could be delayed 10 years if their banks are under investigation for wrongdoing,我们可以将其翻译为“奖金延期支付”措施(据了解,目前中国的金融机构也有类似的措施)。短语hold somebody accountable for something的意思是“使某人对某事负责”。两个不定式短语to hold...和to restore...并列,都在is后充当表语。

精品译文 (对银行的高管)实施“奖金延期支付”措施,其主要目的在于,要让银行家们为不良的冒险行为担责,并且恢复公众对金融机构的信任。

难句解题 这句是21题的答案依据:

21. According to Paragraph 1, one motive in imposing the new rule is to ______.

[A] enhance bankers’ sense of responsibility

[B] help corporations achieve larger profits

[C] build a new system of financial regulation

[D] guarantee the bonuses of top executives


The main purpose“主要目的”→ one motive“一个动机”

of this “clawback” rule“奖金延期支付”措施→ imposing the new rule“实施这项新措施”

hold bankers accountable“让银行家们担责” → enhance bankers’ sense of responsibility“提高银行家们的责任意识”。

2 Transient investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hinder a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty.

妙语点睛 本句中,who引导非限制性定语从句who demand...from companies,来描述transient investors,是对后者的具体说明,具有下定义的功能。两个不定式短语to invest...和to build up...并列修饰efforts。

精品译文 短期投资者(即那些要求每季度都能从公司获取高投资回报的人)会妨碍公司在长期研发上的投入,或不利于公司增强客户忠诚度。

难句解题 这句是23题的答案依据:

23. It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be______.

[A] indirect

[B] adverse

[C] minimal

[D] temporary


Transient investors“短期投资者”→ transient investment“短期投资”

hinder“阻碍,妨碍”→ adverse“不利的”

can hinder a firm’s efforts→ the influence...on public companies can be adverse

3 Britain’s new rule is a reminder to bankers that society has an interest in their performance, not just for the short term but for the long term.

妙语点睛 that引导了一个同位语从句,补充说明reminder。not just...but...连接的两个介词短语for the short term和for the long term,修饰performance。

精品译文 对银行家们来说,英国的这条新规定是一个提醒,让他们知道人们不只关心他们的短期业绩,也关心他们的长期业绩。

难句解题 这句是25题的答案依据:

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

[A] Failure of Quarterly Capitalism

[B] Patience as a Corporate Virtue

[C] Decisiveness Required of Top Executives

[D] Frustration of Risk-taking Bankers

本题正确答案为B选项,意为“耐心是企业的美德”,与本句强调的for the long term有关。当然,更多的证据遍布全文,比如文章多次提及的主题词short-termism和long-termism都是与patience有关的概念。本句作为全文的末句,与文章开头首尾呼应。通过这个句子,作者再次强调企业(包括金融机构)应该注重长远发展。

12.13.2 阅读Part A第二篇中的难句

4 Grade inflation—the gradual increase in average GPAs (grade-point averages) over the past few decades—is often considered a product of a consumer era in higher education, in which students are treated like customers to be pleased. But another, related force—a policy often buried deep in course catalogs called “grade forgiveness”—is helping raise GPAs.

妙语点睛 也许有些考生一眼看到grade inflation,顿时就觉得压力巨大,因为不知道它的意思。但是下文的GPA他们一定不会陌生,就是指“平均成绩”,全称是“各科成绩的平均积分点”(grade-point average)。其实,原文开头有一段话(但被命题人删去了)可以帮助我们理解grade inflation:Over the course of the past three decades, the A has become the most common grade given out on American college campuses. In 2015, 42 percent of grades were top marks, compared to 31 percent in 1988,这里的A、grade、grades和marks都是与“分数”有关的词汇。可见,本句中的grade inflation的意思就是“分数通胀”,而破折号后边的名词短语the gradual increase...也对它做了进一步的解释。

作者接下来分析了“分数通胀”现象背后的原因,即a product of a consumer era in higher education, in which students are treated like customers to be pleased。a product of的意思是“是……的产物或结果”。which指代a consumer era in higher education,意为“高等教育的消费者时代”,该短语的中心词是consumer era“消费者时代”,也就是which指代的核心内容,因此which前面的介词in是来自in an era的搭配,即与先行词搭配的介词。据此分析,该定语从句改为简单句就是:

In the consumer era in higher education, students are treated like customers to be pleased.(在高等教育的消费者时代,学生被当作客户,是需要取悦的对象。)


另外,从语篇角度来看,看到is often considered(意为“通常被认为”)时,就应该能够预测出作者下文会对此进行转折,提出其他相关的且是作者想要强调的内容。因此,第二个句子就由but引导,进行了语义上的转折,作者提出了另外一个导致“分数通胀”的相关因素(another, related force)。那么,请考生掌握这样的篇章阅读技巧:如果作者在开篇先提出大众的观点,然后笔锋一转,提出了另外一个相关的观点,那么这个观点就是作者接下来要着重阐述的内容。

精品译文 分数通胀,即近几十年来高校平均成绩逐步增长这一现象,通常被认为是高等教育消费者时代的产物。在这样的时代,学生被当作客户,是需要取悦的对象。不过,另外一个相关的因素也在助推平均成绩的增长,那就是通常深藏在课程目录里面的“成绩宽恕”政策。

难句解题 这句是26题的答案依据:

26. What is commonly regarded as the cause of grade inflation?

[A] The change of course catalogs.

[B] Students’ indifference to GPAs.

[C] Colleges’ neglect of GPAs.

[D] The influence of consumer culture.


Grade inflation → 与题干grade inflation完全一样

is often considered → is commonly regarded as

Grade inflation is a product of a consumer era in higher education“分数通胀是高等教育消费者时代的产物”→ the influence of consumer culture as the cause of grade inflation“消费者文化的影响是分数通胀的原因”

5 When this practice first started decades ago, it was usually limited to freshmen, to give them a second chance to take a class in their first year if they struggled in their transition to college-level courses.

妙语点睛 这里this practice就是指上文中的grade forgiveness。不定式短语to give them...表示目的,而if引导的条件状语从句是修饰to give的(而不是修饰was limited这个主句谓语)。

精品译文 几十年前,当这种做法开始出现时,它通常仅适用于大一新生,目的是如果他们初学大学水平的课程倍感吃力的话,给他们一次重修大一课程的机会。

难句解题 这句与27题D选项有关:

27. What was the original purpose of grade forgiveness?

[A] To help freshmen adapt to college learning.

[B] To maintain colleges’ graduation rates.

[C] To prepare graduates for a challenging future.

[D] To increase universities’ income from tuition.


this practice → grade forgiveness

first started decades ago...limited to freshmen, to give them a second chance → the original purpose

to give them a second chance to take a class in their first year if they struggled... → To help freshmen adapt to college learning transition to college-level courses

6 College officials tend to emphasize that the goal of grade forgiveness is less about the grade itself and more about encouraging students to retake courses critical to their degree program and graduation without incurring a big penalty.

妙语点睛 动词emphasize后接that引导的宾语从句。在宾语从句中,less about...和more about...并列,充当表语。从encouraging到句末penalty构成一个动名词短语,作about的宾语。在这个动名词短语中,形容词短语critical to their degree program and graduation作courses的后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,即courses that are critical to their degree program and graduation。介词短语without incurring a big penalty修饰retake,翻译时注意语义匹配。

精品译文 大学官员倾向于强调说,“成绩宽恕”的目标不只是在于成绩本身,而是更注重鼓励学生重修那些关系到他们学位和毕业的关键课程,从而不会引起严重的后果。

12.13.3 阅读Part A第三篇中的难句

7 Even before the invention of the electric light bulb, the author produced a remarkable work of speculative fiction that would foreshadow many ethical questions to be raised by technologies yet to come.

妙语点睛 本句中,that引导的定语从句修饰a remarkable work of speculative fiction(“一部极佳的科幻小说作品”)。另外,本文中would出现了多次,但意思各有不同。这里的would是表达过去将来,与foreshadow(“预示着”)、表达将来含义的to be raised(“将被提出”)以及yet to come(“将来的”)构成语义呼应关系。被动语态的不定式to be raised作后置定语修饰questions;不定式yet to come作后置定语修饰technologies。

精品译文 甚至在电灯泡被发明之前,该小说作者就创作了一部极佳的科幻小说作品,它预示着未来科技将会带来许多伦理问题。

难句解题 这句是31题的答案依据:

31. Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is mentioned because it ______.

[A] fascinates AI scientists all over the world

[B] has remained popular for as long as 200 years

[C] involves some concerns raised by AI today

[D] has sparked serious ethical controversies

这是一道观点例证题。作者开篇提及Frankenstein(《科学怪人》)这部科幻小说,是为了引出本文主题—— AI(“人工智能”),因此,选项中应该包含AI这个关键词。我们来看本句与C选项之间的同义替换关系:

that would foreshadow“将预示着” → involves“涉及”

many ethical questions“许多伦理问题”→ some concerns“某些担忧”

to be raised“将被提出” → raised“已提出”

by technologies yet to come“未来科技” → by AI today“如今的人工智能”

8 Just how people think is still far too complex to be understood, let alone reproduced, says David Eagleman, a Stanford University neuroscientist, “We are just in a situation where there are no good theories explaining what consciousness actually is and how you could ever build a machine to get there.”

妙语点睛 在第一个句子中,how people think是主语从句,后边接too...to...结构。短语let alone意为“更别说”,呼应开头的just“只是”,构成just...let alone...,意为“就连这个都不行,更别说那个了”;reproduced是to be reproduced的省略形式,呼应to be understood。整句话意思是:我们都搞不懂人类思维的问题,更别说复制它了。

在第二个句子中,where引导的定语从句修饰situation。在定语从句中出现了There be something doing的结构,explaining的宾语是what引导的从句(what consciousness actually is)和how引导的从句(how you could ever build a machine to get there)。其中could有虚拟意味,ever与前面的no有语义呼应关系(ever是一个否定极性词项,通常与否定句搭配使用;限于篇幅,不再展开讨论)。这里how引导的从句的意思是:人类目前还不能制造出会思考、有自我意识的机器人。

精品译文 斯坦福大学脑神经科学家戴维·伊格尔曼说,仅仅是“人类是如何思考的”这个问题就已经由于太过复杂而无法被理解了,更别说要复制人类的思考方式了。“我们目前还处于这样一种境况:既没有合理的理论来解释到底什么是意识,也不知道怎样才能制造出一个有自我意识的机器人。”

难句解题 这句是32题的答案依据:

32. In David Eagleman’s opinion, our current knowledge of consciousness ______.

[A] helps explain artificial intelligence

[B] can be misleading to robot making

[C] inspires popular sci-fi TV series

[D] is too limited for us to reproduce it


there are no good theories explaining what consciousness actually is, let alone reproduced → our current knowledge of consciousness is too limited

how you could ever build a machine to get there → to reproduce it

9 While the statement is vague, it represents one starting point. So does the idea that decisions made by AI systems should be explainable, transparent, and fair.

妙语点睛 在第一个句子中,while引导让步状语从句,译成“尽管”。第二个句子中,idea后面接了一个that引导的同位语从句,解释说明idea;本句的难点是So does the idea...这个结构,它不是一般疑问句(句末没有问号),而是so does something倒装结构,这里does指代represents one starting point,因此该句的正常语序是:

The idea that decisions made by AI systems should be explainable, transparent, and fair, also represents one starting point.


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  • 2019年上海海事大学830日语语法与翻译考研大纲
    上海海事大学研究生入学考试大纲考试科目:830日语语法与翻译参考书:1、《日语语法》主编:王曰和,商务印书馆。2、《日译汉》、《汉译日》主编:高宁等,上外教出版社。题型及分数比例共计150分1.语法选择题 42分2.汉译日 36分3.日译汉 42分4. 日语小论文(700字左右)30分考试大纲:本考 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-29
  • 2019北语法语语言文学真题(回忆版)
    基础法语选择题,比较基础.2.用代词回答问题,基础题3.连线题,动词和名词搭配,感觉有点难,很多不确定4.给出介词,和连词,选词填空5.阅读题,两个,感觉类似于delf那种,6.翻译很难,考到了一国两制。港人治港,奥人治澳法语综合语言学75第一题,填空,给出概念写名称,如:sociolinguist ...
    本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-28
  • 语法讲义.朱德熙.商务印书馆,1982
    .. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-14
  • 陆俭明现代汉语语法研究教程
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-10
  • 中国语言文学专业考研习题之现代汉语语法
    2011 中国语言文学专业考研习题之现代汉语语法 2010 年 10 月 11 日 13:13 一、填空题 来源:万学海文 1.语法的三大特点是、、。 2.现代汉语的五级语法单位是、、、、。 3.看一个语言单位是不是语素,主要是看:㈠是不是;⑵是不是。 4.词与词组合构成短语所用的语法手段主要是和。 5. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-03-14
  • 英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第5部分
    6.5.3 不能用作状语的分词结构 在英文中,大多数分词结构都可以用作状语,但有一个例外,即不及物动词(如grow)的过去分词(如grown)不能作状语,但它的完成式(having grown)可以作状语。比如笔者看到很多同学在申请国外大学时,在个人自述(Personal Statement)里谈到自己的成长经历时往往会写出这 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19
  • 英语语法新思维高级教程——驾驭语法 第4部分
    Exercise 5.5 选择最佳答案填空。 1.     in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for. A. The girl was educated B. The girl educated C. The girl&s being educated D. The girl to be educated 2. I still remember     me to Beijing for the first time. A. ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-12-19