
本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-17

role(s) does the society play in the act of creative communication?

do highly original individuals feel isolated?

a common language or known conventions.(由第一段前两句可知,交流是通过共同的语言或者双方都熟知的惯例实现的。)

developing the common language and conventions to the point where they are capable of bearing the artist or the thinker’s precise meaning.

43.They are indifferent toward response to their work.
44. The society creates conditions in which original people can live.
(由第二段首句In this sense it is true that it is the duty of society tocreate conditions in which such men can live.可知,社会的作用是为第一段中讲到的creative artists and thinkers创造生存的条件。)
45.Because they fail to acknowledge and use an acceptable form of communication.
(由最后一段倒数第三句The historian is also continually struck by the fact that men of this kind felt isolated at the very time when in reality they werebeginning to get through.可知,具有创造力的人感到被孤立的时候,是他们开始想要把作品的意义传达给大众的时候。再结合第一段中对creative artistsand thinkers的相关描述可知,这些人的作品很难理解,他们也往往不在乎大众是否理解。所以他们没有找到一种大众可以接受的交流形式。)
Passage FOUR
Willpower isn’t immutable trait we’re either born with or not. It is a skill that can be developed, strengthened and targeted to help us achieve our goals. “Fundamental among man’s inner powers is the tremendous unrealized potency of man’s own will,” wrote Italian psychologist Roberto Assagioli 25 years ago.
“The trained will is a masterful weapon,” added Man Marlatt of the University of Washington, a psychologist who is studying how willpower helps people break habits and change their lives. “The dictionary defines willpower as control of one’s impulses and actions. The key words are power and control. The power is there, but you have to control it.”
Here, from Marlatt and other experts, is how to do that:
Be positive.
Don’t confuse willpower with self-denial. Willpower is most dynamic when applied to positive, uplifting purposes. Positive willpower helps us overcome inertia and focus on the future. When the going gets tough, visualize yourself happily and busily engaged in your goal, and you’ll keep working toward it.
Make up your mind.
James Prochaska, professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island, has identified four stages in making a change. He calls them precontemplation (resisting the change), contemplation (weighing the pros and cons of the change), action (exercising willpower to make the change), and maintenance (using willpower to sustain the change). Some people are “chronic contemplators,” Prochaska says. They know they should reduce their drinking but will have one mere cocktail while they consider the matter. They may never put contemplation into action. To focus and mobilize your efforts, set a deadline.
Sharpen your will.
In 1915, psychologist Boyd Barrett suggested a list of repetitive will-training activities—stepping up and down from a chair 30 times, spilling a box of matches and carefully replacing them one by one. These exercises, he maintained, strengthen the will so it can confront more consequential and difficult challenges.
New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley was a basketball star with the champion New York Knicks. On top of regular practice, he always went to the gym early and practiced foul shots alone. He was determined to be among the best form of the foul line. True to his goal, he developed the highest percentage of successful free throws on his team.
Expect trouble.
The saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” is not the whole truth. Given the will, you still have to anticipate obstacles and plan how to deal with them. When professor of psychology Saul Shiffman of the University of Pittsburgh worked with reformed smokers who’s gone back to cigarettes, he found that many of them hadn’t considered how they’d cope with the urge to smoke. They had summoned the strength to quit, but couldn’t remain disciplined. The first time they were offered a cigarette, they went back to smoking. If you’ve given up alcohol, rehearse your answer when you’re offered a drink. If you’re expecting to jog but wake up to a storm, have an indoor workout program ready.
Be realistic.
The strongest will may falter when the goal is to lose 50 pounds in three months or to exercise three hours a day. Added failure undercuts your desire to try again. Sometimes it’s best to set a series of small goals instead of a single big one. As in the Alcohols Anonymous slogan “One day at a time,” divide your objective into one-day segments, then renew your resolve the next day. At the end of a week, you’ll have a series of triumphs to look back on.
Be patient.
A strong will doesn’t develop overnight. It takes shape in increments, and there can be setbacks. Figure out what caused you to backslide, and redouble your efforts. When a friend of ours tried to give up cigarettes the first time, she failed. Analyzing her relapse, she realized she needed to do something with her hands. On her second try, she took up knitting and brought out needles and yam every time she was tempted to light up. Within months she had knitted a sweater for her husband—and seemed to be off cigarettes for good.
Keep it up.
A strong will become stronger each time it succeeds. If you’ve successfully mustered the willpower to kick a bad habit or leave a dead-end job, you gain confidence to confront other challenges. A record of success fosters an inner voice of confidence that, in the words of Assagioli, gives you “a firm foot on the edge of the precipice.” You may face more difficult tasks, but you’ve conquered before, and you can conquer again.
46.What is the main purpose of this passage?
on the information given in the above passage, define the term “willpower” by using your own words.

According to the above passage, what stages do people go through when making a change?

the basis of the information given in Passage Four, comment on the saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

50.According to the above passage, what is the better way to set
46.To introduce ways to build up willpower.
(由第一、二段可知,第三段Here, from Marlatt and other experts, is how todo that:中的that指的是意志力。下文讲的是培养意志力的七种方式。)
47. “Willpower” is the ability to control one’s impulses and actions
which     can be developed and strengthened.(根据文章前两段可总结出意志力的定义。)
48.People go through four stages when making a change: precontemplation, contemplation, action and maintenance.
(由第二种方法Make up your mind.下方段落的前两句可知,做出改变要经历四个阶段:思考前、思考中、做出行动、坚持。)
49.The saying is not totally reasonable because one also needs toanticipate difficulties and plan the ways to address them.
(由第四种方法Expect trouble.下方段落前两句可知, “有志者,事竟成”这句话并不是完全正确的,除了有意志力,还必须预料到实现目标过程中会遇到的阻碍,并想好怎么应对。)
50.It ’s better to set a series of small goals instead of a single big one.
(由第二种方法Be realistic.下方段落内容可知,目标不能太过偏离现实,定一系列小目标比定一个大目标更合适。)
Part III. Writing [30 points; 60 minutes]
Directions: Based on the information given below, please write an essay of about 400 words on the Answer Sheet. You have 60 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.
Computer plays an increasingly important role in today’s classroom. One significant impact of the computer on study in that more and more lectures are given in the form of Power Point presentations.
With this growing trend, your university is considering whether or not the traditional way of giving lectures via Blackboard and Chalk should be abandoned. A forum is therefore held by the School Board to invite students’ opinions. Please contribute your point of view to the forum, trying to persuade the School Board to adopt your view, and thus help them make the decision that benefits students most.
Suggested title for the essay is:
Blackboard and Chalk: To Abandon or Not?
You may use your own title if you like.
Marks will be awarded both for your linguistic knowledge (i.e., grammar, vocabulary and organization) and for your ability to achieve the communicative purpose.
Blackboard and Chalk: To Abandon or Not?
The 21st century has witnessed a great change in teaching method in schools with the advent of computer. Nowadays more and more lectures are given in the form of Power Point presentations in schools. Teachers are able to exhibit the contents of lectures with words, pictures, videos that can be shown in slides. They don’t have to endure the chalk powder any more, which often dirties their hair. But does it mean that there is no need to use blackboard and chalk since computer brings so much convenience to us? I don’t think so. As far as I’m concerned, the traditional way of giving lectures via blackboard and chalk should by no means be abolished because some functions of blackboard and chalk are irreplaceable.

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