
本站小编 免费考研网/2020-02-17

The first favorable function of blackboard and chalk is to lead students to think when the teacher is writing something down on the blackboard. The function is of vital importance in science lessons, including math, physics, chemistry and biology, because there are logic calculations and deductions in these lessons. For instance, it is known to us that there are continuous steps in solving a math problem. While a math teacher is explaining a problem to students, he always writes down the steps one by one so that students can follow him and make sense of the complicated steps. But if the steps are directly shown in a slide, what will happen? Steps appear continuously with short intervals, leaving little time for consideration.
Secondly, while showing slides in a lecture, teachers can make use of blackboard and chalk in case some students may have doubts about the contents shown in the slides. When students have difficulty in understanding some contents of the slides, it is convenient for teachers to explain and write down some hints on the blackboard so that students can understand. The operation on computers is more complicated.
Last but not least, blackboard and chalk can be used in case of power blackout. If the electricity is temporarily cut off, computer is of no use. In this case, it is time to use blackboard and chalk for the smooth teaching in schools.
On the whole, I hold the opinion that blackboard and chalk play an indispensable role in teaching and learning process since the above three functions are exclusive to them. But it doesn’t mean that the practice of using slides should be abandoned. It is a better choice to combine the two kinds of practice for the benefits of students and teachers.
Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar [30 points]
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
1.Professor Noam Chomsky is _____ as one of the world’s greatest linguists.
A. acknowledged
B. clarified
C. dignified
D. illustrated【答案】A【解析】句意:诺姆·乔姆斯基被公认为世界上最伟大的语言学家之一。 acknowledge
2.You need to rewrite this sentence because it is _____ and the readers will have difficulty in understanding it.
A. alternative
B. ambiguous
C. comprehensive
D. deliberate

3.The social environment has a _____ effect on young people’s academic progress.
A. complete
B. gross
C. profound
D. solid【答案】C【解析】句意:社会环境对年轻人的学业进步有深刻的影响。profound深刻的。
4.When the detective examined the gun, his suspicion turned into _____.
A. certainty
B. confirmation
C. conclusion
D. reality【答案】A【解析】句意:当侦探检查枪支时,他原来的怀疑变成了确定。certainty确定。
5.Supermarkets promise to provide all we need in a low-price, one-stop shop, but they sell mediocre food, kill town centers and _____ our souls.
A. affect
B. darken
C. sap
D. undergird【答案】C【解析】句意:超市承诺低价、一站式购物,提供我们一切所需,但是他们卖的是
普通的食物,破坏了镇中心,消耗了我们的精力。 sap消耗,削弱。affect影响。darken变暗。undergird在底部加固。能与soul一词形成搭配的只有C项。
6.With his lack of experience and smaller physique, we don ’t think he _____ a chance of winning the match.
A. gained
B. possessed
C. stood
D. took【答案】C【解析】句意:他缺乏经验,体格又小,所以我们认为他没有希望打赢。stand a
chance为一固定词组,意为 “很有希望,很有可能”。
7.They reported the loss and gave all the necessary _____ to the police.
A. characteristics
B. happenings
C. particulars
D. qualifications【答案】C【解析】句意:他们向警察报告了损失,并告诉了警察所有细节。particular细节,
8.After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _____.
A. deteriorated
B. dispersed
C. dissipated
D. drained【答案】D【解析】句意:相同的工作干了4年后,他的热情最终被磨灭了。drain(情感)消
9.The book started out as an attempt to _____ in human terms the consequences of our 30-year love affair with supermarkets, a desire to form a picture of supermarkets from the bottom up-and from many angles.
A. catalogue
B. catalyze
C. catenate
D. catapult【答案】A【解析】句意:这本书开始以人的视角列举我们与超市恋爱三十年的后果,我们在
这本书中从多个角度展现超市的特点。catalogue列举,历数catalyze催化。 catenate连接,使连续。catapult将 ……弹出。
10.Professor Li was asked to _____ his speech in order to allow the students to raise question.
A. condense
B. conduct
C. constrain
D. converge

11.He was so _____ in the TV program that he forgot to turn the oven off.
A. bequeathed
B. engrossed
C. revamped
D. tarnished【答案】B【解析】句意:他沉迷于电视节目,以至于忘了把烤炉关掉。be engrossed in全
12.There is _____ pressure on the minister responsible for the disaster to resign.
A. compulsive
B. intense
C. prevailing
D. sturdy【答案】B【解析】句意:对于这一灾难的发生,部长负有责任,强压迫使他辞职。intense
13.The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have a(an) _____ passport.
A. effective
B. efficient
C. operative
D. valid

14.Mr. Smith became very _____ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
A. empirical
B. indignant
C. ingenious
D. objective【答案】B【解析】句意:史密斯先生在有人暗示他犯了错误时非常生气。indignant愤慨的。
15.In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the _____ concern of the state government.
A. excessive
B. excluding
C. exclusive
D. extinct【答案】C【解析】句意:通常来讲,关于国家边境的问题都是政府最关切的问题。exclusive独有的;独家的。excessive过多的,过分的。exclude不包括,排除。extinct灭绝的。
16.If Japan _____ its relation with that country, it will have to find another supplier of raw materials.
A. expires
B. partitions
C. precludes
D. terminates【答案】D【解析】句意:如果日本终止与那个国家的关系,它就需要另找一个为其提供原材
17.The team’s recent wins have now _____ them for the semi-finals.
A. fitted
B. promoted
C. qualified
D. selected【答案】C【解析】句意:球队最近的几次胜利使他们获得了进入决赛的资格。qualify(使)
18.The black clouds and lightning show that a storm is _____.
A. immediate
B. immense
C. imminent
D. immune

19.The _____ of color and action which fills the World is often taken for granted.
A. convolution
B. epicurean
C. pageant
D. panorama【答案】D【解析】句意:大千世界中的五光十色、千变万化的景象被人看作是理所当然的。
20.A really powerful speaker can _____ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.
A. work at
B. work out
C. work over
D. work up【答案】D【解析】句意:一个真正强有力的演说家能使听众的情绪兴奋到狂热的程度。work
up激发(热情),鼓起(勇气)。work at从事于 ……。work out制定,安排。workover充分研究。
21.Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe _____ it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.
A. but that
B. in that
C. provided that
D. so that【答案】B【解析】句意:氢是宇宙中的基本元素,因为它是构成其他元素的基本元素。 in that
因为。provided that在 ……条件下。sothat目的是,以便于。
22.Water will continue to be _____ it is today—next in importance to oxygen.

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