
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-12-15

11. The word "this" in the 3rd sentence in paragraph 1 refers to ______.
     A) a good example               B) an imaginary model
     C) the kinetic molecular theory    D) an observed event
12. Bricks are mentioned in the 3rd paragraph to indicate how ____.
A) mathematicians approach science
      B) building a house is like performing experiments
      C) science is more than a collection of facts
      D) scientific experiments have led to improved technology
 13. In the last paragraph, the author refers to a hypothesis as "a leap into the unknown" in order to show that hypotheses ______.
      A) are sometimes ill-conceived     B) can lead to dangerous results
      C) go beyond available facts      D) require effort to formulate
 14. What is a major function of hypotheses as implied in the last paragraph7
      A) Sifting through known facts.
      B) Communicating a scientist's thoughts to others.
      C) Providing direction for scientific research.
      D) Linking together different theories.
 15. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
      A) Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.
      B) It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.
      C) A scientist's most difficult task is testing hypotheses.
      D) A good scientist needs to be creative.
     B) Education systems need to be radically reformed.
     C) Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
     D) Education involves many years of professional training.
20. The passage is organized by ___
     A) listing and discussing several educational problems
     B) contrasting the meanings of two related concepts
     C) narrating a story about excellent teachers
     D) giving examples of different kinds of schools

Passage 5
      The phrase "civil disobedience" is usually attributed to the nineteenth-century American philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Although the concept is unquestionably much older (its rootslie in ancient Greek philosophy), the designation is nonetheless telling: people tend to credit Thoreau, an American, with the idea because civil disobedience, is a hallmark of American ethics and politics. The clash between the dictates of individual conscience on one hand, and the imperatives of civil law on the other, forms much of this country's history. Examples range from the incidents leading up to the Revolution through the many social protests of the 1960'S.
       What constitutes an act of civil disobedience? First, an act of civil disobedience requires a formal legal structure that is enforced by the government. Second, it requires as its target a specific law or policy, rather than the entire legal system. This is true even if the protester's ultimate goal is to alter radically the legal system; an act of civil disobedience must be directed against one concrete example of that system's inequities. The American civil rights movement, for example, first targeted discrimination on public transportation, then used its victories as a springboard to address other injustices. Third, the act must be done publicly, because the effectiveness of such a protest depends on its ability to mobilize public sentiment against the protest's target. Finally, those protesting must understand the penalties their acts entail--usually jailing--and be willing to accept those penalties. This last requirement strengthens the act's effect on public opinion, since it serves to underscore the injustice of the protest's target.
 21. The word "telling" in the 2nd sentence in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
       A) inappropriate     B) revealing     C) insignificant     D) challenging
 22. In the passage, the author mentions that the civil rights movement _______.
       A) focused its early efforts on public transportation
       B) did not always practice civil disobedience
       C) started in nineteenth century
       D) used the Revolution of 1776 as its model
  23. According to the passage, for which of the following reasons should civil protests be done
    A) To alter the legal system in radical way.
    B) To uphold the imperatives of civil law.
    C) To stimulate public support for a cause.
    D) To announce the success of a previous act of civil disobedience.
24. The author suggests that when protesters go to jail _______.
    A) it helps convince the public to support their cause
    B) they usually do so unwillingly
    C) it is because their protest has not gone according to plan
    D) they are always released almost immediately
25. In the 2nd paragraph, the author ________.
    A) argues that civil disobedience is unnecessary
     B) provides an extensive history of civil disobedience
     C) presents several differing viewpoints on civil disobedience
     D) defines the concept of civil disobedience

Passage 6
     In taking up a new life across the Atlantic, the early European settlers of the United States did not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors had traditionally relieved the tedium of life. Neither the harshness of existence on the new continent nor the scattered population nor the disapproval of the clergy discouraged the majority from the pursuit of pleasure.
    City and country dwellers, of course, conducted this pursuit in different ways. Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanks to the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose. No other set of colonists took so seriously an expression of the period, "Leisure is time for doing something useful." In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily routine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group work provided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.
    The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural parties. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near. The men bought or traded farm animals and acquired needed merchandise while the women displayed food prepared in their kitchens, and everyone, including the youngsters, watched or participated in a variety of competitive sports, with prizes awarded to the winners. These events typically included horse races, wrestling matches, and foot races, as well as some nonathletic events such as whistling competitions. No other occasions did so much to relieve the isolation of farm existence.
    With the open countryside everywhere at hand, city dwellers naturally shared in some of the rural diversions. Favored recreations included fishing, hunting, skating, and swimming. But city dwellers also developed other pleasures, which only compact communities made possible.
26. What is the passage mainly about?
     A) Methods of fanning used by early settlers of the United States.
     B) Hardships faced by the early settlers of the United States.
     C) Methods of buying, selling, and trading used by early settlers of the United States.
     D) Ways in which early settlers of the United States relaxed.
27. What can be inferred about the diversions of the early settlers of the United States?
     A) They followed a pattern Begun in Europe.
     B) They were enjoyed more frequently than in Europe.
     C) The clergy organized them.
     D) Only the wealthy participated in them.
28. Which of the following can be said about the country dwellers' altitude toward "the pursuit
     of pleasure" ?
     A) They felt that it should help keep their minds on their work.
      B) They felt that it was not necessary.
      C) They felt that it should be productive.
      D) They felt that it should not involve eating and drinking.


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