
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-12-26 B.with D.on

2.A.air B.water

3.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.anyone

4.A.repeats B.recycles C.returns D.reuses

5.A.goes B.rises C.appears D.stays


7.A.put B.give C.pour D.send C.into D.on B.struggle C.survive D.exist

10.A.surroundings B.environment

C.hobbies D.habits
Part B
Directions: In the following passage, a number of words are missing. Fill in each blank with a single suitable word.
The world is filled with many interesting sounds. Some are unpleasant to our ears while othersarevery 11 tohear,inasingledayyouprobablyhearhundredsofdifferent 12 .All sounds are different. Some may be soft; others may be 13 Some sounds are high; others are low. Somesoundsareuseful. Withoutsoundwecannottalkorlistento 14 another. Theringing ofthealarmclock 15 peopleup. Thehootingofacarwarnspeople 16 danger.
Some sounds are harmful. When planes fly low over the land, the very loud sounds can cause
17 tohouses.Veryloudsoundcanevenmakepeople 18.
We know sound travels about one kilometre in three seconds. In a 19 you see the lightning first and then hear the thunder. This is because light travels faster than sound. Next time you see lightning, count the number of seconds before you hear the thunder. Divide this number by3.Thiswilltellyou 20 manykilometresawaythethunderstormis.
Part Ⅴ Translation (25 % )
Directions: Translate the following into English.
Part Ⅵ Writing (20%)
Directions: A great number of people think that those with university education should get higher pay than those without, for they believe that the former have sweated and sacrificed more. To what extent do you agree with this point of view? Write an essay of at least 150 words.
Part Ⅱ Vocabularyand Structure
1.A2.B3.C4.C5.C6.C7.A8.D9.B 10.D

11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.A Part Ⅲ SentenceTransformation

1.Whoever stands at the roadsidecheeringQueenElizabeth dishonors Ireland.

2.It takes usexactly 5 hours to fly from Londonto Paris.

3.He apologized fornot arriving ontime.

4.She is justified in disbelieving what he said.

5.That mother deniesher sonnothing.

6.His flat tire on hisway here accountedfor his failure to get hereon time.

7.He is anything but gentlemanlike.

8.Rather thancause trouble,he left.

9.Cananything replacea mother's love andcare in developinga good citizen?

10.This atlas contains 50maps, 5of whichare maps ofChina. the delayof postal deliveries.

18.reasonforhis refusal was thathe was too tired.

13.differencein the weight betweenthe two sacks of potatoes.
V14.What I am interested in most is silverware.

15.What is the useof minimizing the consequences of this disaster.
Part Ⅳ ClozeTest

1.A2.D3.B4.B5.B6.D7.C8.C9.C 10.D

11.pleasant 12.sounds 13.loud 15.wakes

16.of 17.damage 18.deaf 19.thunderstorm
Part Ⅴ Translation

One should be moderate in all things. Moderation is always the safest way. Let's take the student life for instance. There are some who study too hard and play too little, and there are others who plays too much and study too little. On the one hand, this is harmful to the body throughlack of exercise; and,onthe otherhand, tothe mind through much play.
In the matter of eating, one also should be moderate. Do not eat too much or too little. Too much eatingwill make you sick, while toolittle eatingwill make you weak.
The man of progress is he who is neither too conservative in thought nor too radical. In the former case he does not move, and in the latter he is restless—that is, without a definite aim. The broad-minded man is he who likes moves within the orbit of reasonableness. Whether in any activities in life, moderation is oneof the best way toenjoyreal happiness.
Part Ⅳ Writing
Many people believe that those who received higher education should earn far more than those who have not, because the former have exerted more efforts than the latter. Personally I do not agree with this opinion, for the following reasons: In the first place, one's individual income does not wholly reflect the extent to which one's self-value and social value are realized. Aperson who has received higher education may offer more social value than one who has not.Economists and merchants may serve as perfect examples to verify this point. Both are engaged in the economicsphere.
Nevertheless, the former might create more economic returns for society, while the latter might bring himself more economic profits. Although the economist may not be as wealthy as the merchant, his workis more meaningful to the societyhe lives in.
In the second place, some people who has admirable capabilities have not had the opportunity to receive higher education. Then, after years of exertions and hard struggle, they secure a proper place for themselves in society and realize their own self-value. Such people have received no college education. However,theydeserve whatthey have earned.
All in all, it is ridiculous to rack one's brains about who, a man with a higher education or another one without it, should earn more money than the other. One's earnings cannot be solely determined by his or her educational background. We should observe what kind of effort a person has made and decide how we are to define “personal income” before finally judging who should earnmore.



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