
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-12-26

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action.As to fears, there are I think, well-authenticated cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. familiarity with the story by repetition turnsthe pain of fear into otherpleasure ofthe fear facedandmastered.
There are also people who object fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that faints. Witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc, do not exist; and that, instead of indulging his fantasies in fairy tales. The child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the word should be full of madmen attempting to fly from NewYork to Philadelphia on a broomstick or covering a telephone with kissed in thebelief that it was their enchanted girlfriend.
No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external work and a sane child had ever believed that it was.
Questions 71to 75arebased on the passage.
71.Theauthor considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is______.
A.repeatedwithout variation

B.treatedwith reverence

C.adaptedby the parent

D.set in the present

72.Some people dislike fairy stories they feel that they______.
A.tempt peopleto be cruel to children

B.showthe primitive cruelty in children

C.lendthemselves to undesirable experiments with children

D.increasea tendencybywhich children's impulses may be

73.Fairy stories are a meansby whichchildren's impulses may be
A.beneficially channeled

B.given adestructive tendency

C.heldbackuntil maturity

D.effectively suppressed

74.Theadvantage claimed for repeatingfairy stories to young children is that it______.
A.makes them come to terms with their fears

B.developstheir powerof memory

C.convinces them there is nothingto be afraid of

D.encourages them notto have ridiculous beliefs

75.Theauthor's mention of broomsticks andtelephonesis meant to suggest that______.
A.fairy stories arestill being made up

B.thereis confusionabout different kindsof truth

C.people try tomodernize oldfairy stories

D.there is more concern forchildren's fears nowadays

Passage 4
No other country spends what we do per capita for medical care. The care available is among the best technically, even if used too lavishly and thus dangerously, but none of the countries that stand above us unhealth status have such a high proportion of medically disenfranchised persons. Given the evidence that medical care is not that valuable and access to care not that bad, it seems most unlikely that our bad showing is caused by the significant proportion who are poorly served. Other hypotheses have greater explanatory power: excessive poverty, both actual and relative, and excessive affluence.
Excessive poverty is probably more prevalent in the U. S. than in any of the countries that have a better infant mortality rate and female life expectancy at birth. This is probably true also for all but four or five of the countries with a longer male life expectancy. In the notably poor countries that exceed us in male survival, difficult living conditions are a more accepted way of life and in several of them, a good basic diet, basic medical care and basic education, and lifelong employment oportunities are an everyday fact of life. In the U. S. a motional unemployment level of 10 percent may be 40 percent in the ghetto while less than 4 percent elsewhere. The countries that have surpassed us in health do not have such severe or entrenched problems. Nor are such a high proportion of their peopleinvolve in them.
Excessive affluence is not so obvious a cause of ill health, but, at least until recently, few other nations could afford such unhealthful ways of living. Excessive intake of animal protein and fats, dangerous intake of alcohol and use of tobacco and drugs (prescribed and proscribed), and dangerous recreational sports and driving habits are all possible only because of affluence. Our heritage, desires, opportunities, and our machism, combined with the relatively low cost of bad foods and speedy vehicles, make us particularly vulnerable to our affluence. And those who are not affluent try harder. Our unacceptable health status, then, will not be improved appreciably by expanded medical resources nor by their redistribution so much as by a general at tempt to improve the quality oflife for all.
Questions 76to 80arebased on the passage.
76.All of the following are mentioned in the passage as factors affecting the health of the population EXCEPT_______.
A.the availability of medical care services

B.thegenetic endowment ofindividuals

C.thenation's relative position in healthstatus individual's own behavior

77.Theauthor is primarily concernedwith
A.condemning theU.S. for its failure toprovide better medical care to the poor

B.evaluating the relative significance of factors contributing to the poor health status in the

U. S.
C.comparingthe general healthof the U.S. population with world averages

D.advocating specific measures designed to improve the health of U. S. population

78. The passage best supports which of the following conclusions about the relationship betweenpercapita expenditure of the healthof a population?
A.The per capita expenditure for medical care has relatively little effect on the total amount ofmedical care available to a population.

B.The genetic makeup of a population is a more powerful determinant of the health of a population thanthe per capitaexpenditure for medical care.

C.Apopulation may have very high per capita expenditures for medical care and yet have a lower healthstatus thanother populations with lower percapita expenditures.

D.The higher the per capita expenditure on medical care, the more advanced is the medical technology; and themore advanced thetechnology,the better is the health ofthe population.

79.The author refers to the excessive intake of alcohol and tobacco and drug use in order to ______. that some heath problems cannot beattacked by better medical care

B.demonstrate that useof tobaccoandintoxicants is detrimental to health

C.citeexamples of individual behavior that have adverse consequences forhealth status

D.illustrate ways in which affluencemay contribute to poor healthstatus

80.Thepassage provides information to answerwhich of thefollowing questions?
A.Which is themost powerful influenceon the healthstatus of a population?

B.Which nationin the world leads inhealth status?

C.Is thelife expectancyof males in the U. S. longer than of females?

D.What are the most important genetic factors influencingthe healthof an individual?

Passage 5
In the 1960s, medical researchersThomas Holmes and Richard Rahe developed a checklist of stressful events. They appreciated the tricky point that any major change can be stressful. Negative events like “serious illness of a family member” were high on the list but so were some positive life-changing events like marriage. When you take the Holmes-Rahe test you must remember that the score does not reflect how you deal with stress-it only shows how much you have chances of staying healthy. By the early 1970s, hundreds of similar studies had followed Holmes and Rahe. And millions ofAmericans who work and live under stress worried over the reports. Somehow the research got boiled down to a memorable message, women's magazines ran headlines like “Stress causes illness.” “If you want to stay physically and mentally healthy,” the articles said, “avoid stressful events.” But such simplistic advice is impossible to follow. Even if stressful events are dangerous, many-like the death of a loved one-are impossible to avoid. Moreover, any warning to avoid all stressful events is a prescription for staying away from opportunities as well as trouble. Since any change can be stressful, a person who wanted to be completely free of stress would never marry, have a child, take a new job or move. The notion that all stress makes you sick also ignores a lot of what we know about people. It assumes we're all vulnerable and passive in the face of adversity. But what about human initiative and creativity? Many come through periods of stress with more physical and mental vigor than they had before. We also know that a long time
without change or challenge canlead to boredom andmental strain. Questions 81to 85arebased on the passage.
81.Theresult ofHolmes-Rahe's medical researchtell us______.


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